It could have been better

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Don't tell me it could have been worse. DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING TELL ME IT COULD HAVE BEEN WORSE! It shouldn't have to have been worse. And you wanna know why? Because if something can be worse than it could also be better! I don't give a shit what you've been through if you're going to tell me what I went through wasn't enough, because it doesn't matter how bad you think it was or wasn't, IT NEVER SHOULD HAVE FUCKING HAPPENED! So if you want to tell me or anyone else it could have been worse, then think about me taking your hand and shattering every fucking bone in it and then telling you to deal with it because at least I didn't break your leg too. Think about me telling you that its hardly even a big deal because it's only one hand. Because when you tell a fucking child or teenager or anyone else that they're trauma isn't valid because, "it could have been worse," thanks for making them wish for more broken bones just so someone would fucking listen to them and no longer being able to believe people when they finally do have their trauma validated.



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