Depression Qoutes: Beginning

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The past few days were emotional Hell. Like it was so bad I cried at the site of dishes in the sink and the only reason I was able to even feed myself was because I had to make rice for the doggo cuz he was out of food and no matter how deep in the mental hole I am I'm not letting my dog starve, so I ate the left over rice since that's also one of my safe foods. Why does this matter? Background information, my friends. During this state of mental crisis, I made a few quotes cuz my friend needed quotes for a project and I couldn't find any good book quotes, so I made some up. And during future crisis or anything if I make more I'm gonna just add it here. I originally made this book in September (it's now January) for a poem called The Knife, but I figure this was a good place to put quotes and stuff now cuz I don't feel like making another random book that only has like one or 2 things in it. So here we have this. Welcome... To the beginning. Also for anyone wondering, no I do not have depression. I don't think. I have no idea what's going on in my brain, lol. Just a bunch of random stuff I guess. Welp, have fun with the rest of this part of my writing journey. Have a good day, everyone! 

Edit from July, 2023: September me was either stupid or in denial. Probably both actually. Because I do have depression. It's not diagnosed, but it's definitely there.

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