A Secret Lake Of Tears

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Tears roll down cheeks

Numbness is why

Why the numbness?

You don’t know

You don’t know why you cry

It’s a lie

A hidden truth


That’s why


A blessing 

A curse

Everything in between

You just want to let go

But you can’t


Fear of the future

Fear you lost them

It’s your fault

You didn’t stay

So you do

It hurts

More tears join the others

You can’t stop

You want to help

But you can’t

A simple truth

So why does it hurt?

You failed

The past is your fault

A simple lie



So close together

How can you really tell? 

If only you knew…

It wasn’t your fault

You tried to help them

They said no

Don’t blame yourself

You tried

You took on more than you could bare

Because if not they could break

But they did anyway

It happened before you ever got there

There’s only so much you can do

To heal another’s wounds

When you have yet to heal your own…

So why is that truth and lie so hard to face?


A mere thought I have

We all wish there was someone


To do the same for us

And maybe they would

If we didn’t try to hold back

Separate at a certain point

Give into the numbness

Until that numbness depletes

And the cycle repeats. 

It always repeats

Until It breaks

But unfortunately

I have also yet to find the broken pieces of the chain

So I can pull it

Watch it snap and break

So I can be free

It circles back to emotion

To fear

Of what may happen once that chain is broken

So I never look

And if I do pull that chain

I desperately try to fix it

That’s why…

The numbness 

That’s why...

The tears roll down the cheeks

And a lake is made

Little by little

Until it overflows 

But at least....

You know the pain you see in others

Isn’t because they tried to take on your own

When it’s not theirs to take

It’s not fair to them to take it

At least...

A smile can join those secret tears

The tears you wish others could see but are too scared to show

A smile during the moments those you tried to help are happy

Even if… 

It’s only for a brief moment in eternity 


Actually wrote this back in November. November 16th, 2021. Not sure why I'm posting it now. Waiting for food to arrive at a restaurant and figured why not I guess. *shrugs* Was having a bad day when I wrote it though and crying while I was supposed to be doing homework. Writing it helped me feel a little better though. Not sure if I finished my homework that day or not.

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