Part 1

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So, since I am writing it in a different story, I will also simultaneously keep updating my OS stories because this one is going to be emotional and to write something like that, it takes time because you gotta be in that mood to write it down.

Hence bear with me if this one takes time to finish. Cherry on the cake: I will be uploading OS as usual on the other one.


Serkan had thought the whole night what was going on?
He had been in a plane crash, he had lost his memories of last year and apparently, he was now married to a lady he had no clue about and who was also pregnant, claiming to be pregnant with his child. He never wanted children as far as he could remember. So he still couldn't believe it. And the cherry on the top, he was getting divorced tomorrow, which somehow his heart was opposing of.

It felt all so weird as he laid down on his bed, which apparently smelled of her. And he felt at peace inhaling that sweet fragrance. He sighed, what was happening, he had no clue.

Eda was not in their room. She had tried to sleep in the guest room but the sleep eluded her. She felt heartbroken. She was getting divorced tomorrow. She was getting a divorce from Serkan, the love of her life. They had made so many plans and goals, they had wanted their marriage life to be perfect, to be adventurous. But this is not what she was looking or hoping for.

To get divorced to your love of life, your husband, who ironically doesn't remember you and doesn't want your child. This all felt so wrong but she had made up her mind, she couldn't possibly be with a man who didn't love her, remember her and who even insulted her and insinuated that she had some extra marital affair and refused to accept the child.

It was around 2 in the night and she couldn't get an ounce of sleep. She felt hunger pangs as well. So she got up and walked out of the room to find anything worth eating in the fridge. She was really disappointed when she couldn't even find her hot chocolate there. Frustrated, she walked back to her room and felt so emotional. She broke down crying as she laid on the bed and slept in some time.

The next morning, she woke up with nausea and rushed to the bathroom to puke. Sometime later, she walked out refreshed and all ready for their court hearing which was supposed to take place in an hour.

She went to the kitchen and found Serkan cooking breakfast.
"Pardon. You can make your breakfast. I will come later." She said turning to go back to her room but Serkan immediately stopped her,
"Eda.. wait. Wait. I heard you throwing up earlier. Are you okay?" He asked.

"Evet. That happens every morning now." Eda said quite surprised with his question.

"Eda. I made breakfast for you too. You can have it." He said sincerely and Eda got surprised again.
"Ohh. I.. I. It's okay. I can make my own breakfast. Anyways it's just about today. Once our divorced is finalised today, I will move out from your house." She said and Serkan frowned.

"We have a court hearing today but it won't be finalised within a day Eda." He said.

"I have requested for an urgent divorce Serkan. I will get it today." She said eagerly and went back to her room, ordering breakfast for herself and staring out of her bedroom window sadly.

When they arrived later that morning in court, and the hearing started.
The judge after listening to both the sides, and a long hearing, gave his conclusions,

"After careful evaluation of the case, I have come to the conclusion that both the parties will remain married for the next 6 months and try to reconcile by omitting out their differences and give their marriage full chance. In case of non compromising differences after 6 months, the court will grant divorce."

Serkan and Eda exchanged shocked looks. Both had thought that they would get divorced today but seems like the destiny had other plans for them.

Six months of living together as married couple but not really married was going to be pure torture for them.


So since I am lacking the inspiration to write long chapters, I have decided to go forward with short frequent chapters. I hope you guys will like this story of mine.

I promise next chapters would be little longer than this one.

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