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Having studied Harry over the last couple of weeks, today Louis was ready to take the game up a notch. Like a lion hiding in the grass, he watched through the glass wall that separated his office from where Harry sat; the clear view making it easy to see as Harry returned from lunch and noticed the blue velvet box on his desk. With a confused frown, Harry opened it and pulled out a simple strand of pearls, his mouth falling open. Louis just smiled as Harry slowly turned his head and stared at him.

A moment later, there was a gentle knock on Louis' door and Harry stepped into his office.

Tone perfectly nonchalant, Louis greeted, "Hello Harry. Did you enjoy your lunch?"

"Yes, thank you sir, I did. I, uh..." Harry held the box as he pushed the fingers of his free hand through his hair in a nervous gesture. "Um, did you need me to deliver this somewhere?"

"No, love. I just thought your blouse was showing a bit too much skin this morning." Harry frowned, glancing down at himself and pulling the collar of his shirt closed, making Louis chuckle. "No, that's not what I meant."

Harry looked up, confused.

"I meant that you looked like you were missing something." Louis gestured towards the necklace. "So I picked that up for you while you were at lunch."

Harry looked from Louis' face to the strand of pearls in his hand and then back to Louis. "But I- these are very expensive. I can't- I can't accept something like this."

Louis' face fell and he pushed away from his desk to come stand closer to Harry. "Oh, but that would hurt my feelings, Harry. I just wanted to do something nice for you." He reached for the necklace and slowly pulled them from Harry's hand, walking behind him as he continued to speak. "You wouldn't want to waste my money and refuse a gift, would you?"

Standing as close as possible without actually touching, Louis slipped the necklace around Harry's slender neck and leaned in as he spoke in a whisper. "This looks beautiful on you, I think it matches your style perfectly." As he began to clasp the necklace, Louis let his fingers brush against the soft skin on the side of Harry's neck and smirked as he heard his sharp intake of breath. "There we go, turn around and let me see you."

Slowly Harry turned until they were face to face, so close that Louis could count the eyelashes framing Harry's big, green eyes. He smiled and needlessly adjusted the necklace, just so he could touch Harry again. "There you go. You look perfect."

Raising a delicate hand to touch the pearls at the base of his throat, Harry bit his lip. "Thank you, sir. I don't know what to say."

"Thank you is plenty, Harry. I like seeing you wear pretty things."

Smiling, Louis moved back towards his desk, and sat in front of his computer again. He knew Harry was still standing there, probably incredibly confused by the whole interaction, just as Louis had intended.

"Well, I, uh... I'll just get back to work then. I guess."

Louis looked up, gave Harry a friendly nod, and went back to clicking on his computer. He knew that a perfect balance between forwardness and disinterest was going to be key with this one.

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