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In light of Harry's little confession, Louis decided that depriving Harry of his approval for the next couple of weeks might have just the effect he wanted. So he slipped back into strict boss mode; focused on work, was polite to Harry but nothing more, and he could tell it was working because after a few days, Harry had started to try and overcompensate to get Louis' attention.

"Good morning, Mr Tomlinson. I came in early and organized all of those documents you were having trouble with yesterday." Harry looked like an eager puppy this morning and Louis knew what he wanted; but he wasn't ready to give it to him.

"Good. Thank you, Harry. Would you get Kevin Carlyle on the line for me?" Louis shuffled a few papers on his desk, pretending to ignore Harry.

"Uh, yes sir. Of course. Is there anything else you need? Some tea, maybe?"

Harry looked so hopeful, Louis almost wanted to agree. "No, just Mr Carlyle. Thanks."

He watched Harry walk out with sagging shoulders, and smiled to himself.

The next day Harry tried a new tactic.

"Hi Mr Tomlinson. I, um... I baked some cookies last night and thought you might like some."

He looked so pretty, standing there with his dimples and curls, holding out a decorative tin piled high with cookies that, frankly, looked delicious. But Louis wasn't ready to give in just yet.

"Thank you, Harry. You can put them over there. I'm a bit busy today." Louis gave him a dismissive nod, and ignored the way the smile fell off of Harry's face.

As the days passed, and Louis continued to withhold both his praise and approval, Harry began to get fidgety and was obviously having difficulty concentrating. He would be near tears over careless errors in his work that Louis pointed out, rushing to fix the mistakes and apologizing effusively.

On the fifth day of Louis' little experiment, Harry wore the Gucci blouse and the pearls, and even painted his nails the same color that Louis had first complimented him on, looking up brightly every time Louis walked by his desk, only to be greeted by nothing more than a hello or a nod.

At this point, Louis was almost entirely sure he could ask anything of Harry, and he would agree, no questions asked – as long as it got him the praise he was craving.

And, just as Louis had predicted, two days later, it seemed that Harry couldn't take it anymore. Louis had barely sat down at his desk before he heard a familiar soft knocking on his office door.

"Yes? Come in."

Harry stood in the open doorway, picking at the polish on his fingernails and standing with his toes turned inwards. Usually he lit up a room, but today he seemed more than subdued, he seemed almost... sad. "Sir? May I talk to you?"

"Of course, Harry. What do you need?" Louis leaned back in his chair, folding his arms across his stomach, looking as casually indifferent as he could.

Pulling out the chair in front of Louis' desk, Harry sat there for a moment, almost as though he was working up the courage to speak. Louis raised an eyebrow at him.

"It's just that I was wondering if you were upset with me." Harry looked up at Louis from where he sat, with a furrowed brow and wide eyes.

"Not at all, Harry. Why would you think that?

I do enjoy teasing him.

"Well, ever since we went to dinner, it seems like you're treating me differently and I'm just worried that it might be because of what I said..."

"Said about what?" Louis wasn't going to make it easy on him. Where would the fun be in that?

His eyes unable to hold Louis' gaze, Harry looked pained as his voice became a whisper. "Don't make me say it again."

Oh, but I love seeing you blush when you're embarrassed.

"But how will I know what you mean if you don't say it? What did you say that you're worrying about?"

With a frustrated huff, Harry readjusted himself in the chair and looked at Louis, finally answering in a hushed voice. "That I like being a good boy, and being told what to do, and being praised when I do it well."

That's it. You don't put up much of a fight, do you? 

"That wasn't so hard to do, now, was it? Thank you." Louis smiled, his eyes twinkling. "Now why do you think I would be mad about that?"

"Because you said those were good qualities in an assistant, but haven't praised me once since then, and I hate it! I didn't realize how much I needed it from you, but I feel like I'm failing when I can't earn your praise." Harry's voice had become a teary whine as he leaned forward with his arms folded on Louis' desk.

Louis pulled his chair back to his desk and leaned forward, mimicking Harry's posture. "What are you asking from me, Harry?"

"I- I don't know." Harry frowned and bit his lip. "I think... I want you to tell me when I've pleased you? I know that sounds pathetic and needy, but you- this job is so important to me, and I want to know you're happy with me."

"So... You just want me to tell you when you've done your job well?" Louis knew he was leading him to answer, but if this was going to work, it had to come from Harry, himself. 

Sitting still for a moment, his eyes locked on Louis', Harry looked as if he was really considering the question, deeply, before he finally spoke. "I- is it okay if I need more, sir?"

"How much more, Harry?" Louis stood up and walked around the desk until he stood in front of Harry. "What do you need from me?"

Looking up from where he sat, Harry swallowed harshly and took in a deep breath. "I just miss the feeling of being rewarded with your praise. I need to know when you're pleased with me – with how well I've done my job. With how well I've... Followed your instructions." Harry's eyes had become glassy and hooded as he continued to speak. "W- with how I'm dressed," he said, voice taking on an airy, unfocused breathiness. "Just... Everything. I want your approval. Need your approval."

Slowly Louis raised his hand to cup Harry's jaw and gently ran his thumb over his plush lower lip. Harry's lips parted almost as if on instinct, the tip of his tongue darting out to lick the pad of Louis' thumb, entirely unaware of what he seemed to be doing, and just grateful for anything he was given. Usually, Louis would be more careful about such a physical advance so early in the game, but it was clear Harry was too out of it to notice. "I can do that for you."

Louis watched the relief wash over Harry's face as his eyes fluttered shut and a slow smile spread over his face at Louis' touches. He was beautiful like this. Serene. Peaceful.

And completely dependent on Louis.

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