Chapter 5

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"Sawamura!" Miyuki called out to the southpaw who was obviously daydreaming, it's not a bad thing to daydream but it doesn't mean that he can in the middle of the mound

The pitcher immediately flinched and snapped out of his mind before replying "Yeah?"

Miyuki sighed "something bothering you? or do you really not like forming a battery with me?" he said

Sawamura shook his head "n-no! chris-senpai trusted me to cooperate with you and that i shall!!" he exclaimed "i'm just a little distracted today i guess"

"Let's take a break then, i'll go work with furuya for a while" miyuki said "so try to clear your mind"

As miyuki left the first year sighed heavily, the interaction yesterday with mukai left him anxious for what's next, he didn't sleep well last night thinking about how mei would react, he might hit him, yell at him, ignore him and the list goes on.

He decided to take a stroll around the field, come to think of it the second string had a practice match today, maybe that could take his mind off things, besides this might be his chance to see who will be the final member of the team.

The game with Kokudokan High ended with them winning, everyone on the second string team was really giving it their all to show off and take that final spot for the summer tournament, which made him think of the pressure building up and riding on his shoulders, not only does he have a title to prove, he also has to take with him the three years his seniors spent here in this school.

Sawamura gripped the water bottle in his hands tightly, someone like him is bound to mess up at some point.

He can't afford to make any mistakes, not one.

"I thought you've cleared your head out by now but i guess not" Miyuki approached from behind, still wearing his gear

The first year stayed silent, eyes still fixated on the players that were cooling down at the dugout "Miyuki Kazuya" he said

MIyuki looked at him, his mouth slightly parted, sawamura's tone was dead and cold as he said his name

"Why are you such an annoying senpai?" the southpaw said

The catcher didn't hesitate to hit him on the head "and i'll be even more annoying if you keep disrespecting me!" he said, he stared at sawamura in silence for a while and sighed "alright just this once i'll hear you out" he said

"What?" sawamura looked at him confused

"Stuff like this i'm not very good at, but i do know that it's good to let it out sometimes" Miyuki said

Sawamura looked at him shocked then the next second he burst out laughing "so you CAN be a good senpai for once!!" he said

The second year felt a flush of embarrasment over take him "oi! what kind of person did you take me as?" he said

"a complete bastard with an annoying smirk that makes me want to punch them" sawamura bluntly said

"what? you want to punch THIS handsome face?" miyuki said

Sawamura rolled his eyes "whatever, i'll deal with my problems myself, thanks for your offer though" he said

Night came soon after, everyone except the first string team was gathered at the indoor training grounds, they were told to go to the cafeteria ahead but sawamura noticed that miyuki and some of his seniors were hiding behind the metal doors of the building, and to satisfy his own curiosity he decided to join them to see what it was all about

"Sawamura, listen closely alright?" miyuki whispered

Sawamura nodded, what were they even doing?

Yuki leaned on the wall beside them "You're still a first year sawamura, and you might know this more than anyone perhaps" he started "the feeling of carrying the burden and dreams of those who believe in you"

The southpaw's eyes widened, he looked back at the group of seniors who now had tears in their eyes, their faces filled with sadness but also relief, some were smiling.

"We're not tryna put any pressure on you, but so you know you're damn lucky to be even playing on behalf of those who were here longer than you" Isashiki added

Miyuki put his hand over sawamura's head "we have to get stronger, if not for us then for them" he said

Sawamura nodded, he stood there motionless even as his seniors were not beginning to head back, but then he took notice of a certain pink haired male, that's haruichi isn't it?

He approached the pinkette who seemed tense, being chosen over the third years must also taken an emotional toll on him

"Hey, haruichi right?" he waved at the other male

Haruichi jumped a little when his name was called but still composed himself and replied "y-yes?"

"Do you want to study together for that test tomorrow?" sawamura asked "i'm kind of struggling on some parts"

The shorter male gave a small smile "sure, maybe i can help"

"Oh! Sawamura Eijun is my name by the way" he said

Haruichi giggled "everyone knows who you are"

Sawamura eyed his shoulders, atleast he relaxed a little bit so that's good.

On their way to the cafeteria they bumped into furuya who had just finished cooling off his shoulder, the three decided to huddle in haruichi's room that night, although not much studying has been done, it was mostly sawamura yelling at furuya to wake up and haruichi trying to calm them down before the seniors get mad at them.

Needless to say, sawamura got his butt kicked by kuramochi because he didn't play game with him and furuya was dragged out of the room while sound asleep by ono.

When sawamura woke up, he got his team uniform on, went to the training field, did a few laps around the field, freshened up, attended class and afterwards went back to train in the field, he desperately wished he could go back in time right now.

Apparently it was time for their summer training camp, it was only the first day yet it was complete and utter torture.

He glared at his seniors who didn't even look at tired as him, they're monsters in their own right.

Sawamura could barely eat dinner afterwards, furuya was on the verge of puking and haruichi had his head laid down on the table knocked out cold, he stared at the rice bowl infront of him as if it murdered his family

The brunette could hear kuramochi and miyuki snickering from afar but he ignored it as he forced down bit after bite of the food infront of him, he will get stronger no matter what, they could throw whatever it is at him and he'll get past them even if he has to force himself to!

Sawamura wants to die.

His legs were completely turned into jelly, the base running drill was the cherry on top of this training camp of hell, he was sweating so much and his head was spinning, poor furuya didn't manage to keep it in.

"what? you look like you're about to faint" miyuki huffed, he was also tired but definetely in better shape than sawamura is in

The first year groaned "i hope you trip bakayuki" he said before taking off to round the bases once again

Miyuki laughed at him "he has pretty good stamina atleast, not that i can say the same about those two" he pointed at furuya and haruichi who were on the ground out cold in surrrender

"can't blame them, we were pretty much in their shoes back then" kuramochi said

They both shuddered at the memory of last year.

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