Chapter 16

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Sawamura couldn't breathe, just moments ago they were one defense away from winning the tournament, now he could barely stand from the immense pain radiating from his arm.

What went wrong in those few minutes?

Miyuki Kazuya prided himself as a catcher, he can proudly say that he is one of the best highschool catchers of their generation.

The events that took place that day changed everything, a catcher was supposed to be the pitcher's partner, he was supposed go look after his pitcher, why did he let the idiot sway him so much? What made sawamura different and hard to say no to?

If he had said no, If he had intervened when the coach put him in the game, if he hadn't pushed sawamura this hard...he wouldn't be on the ground, clutching his arm in pain.

The look sawamura gave him when he approached the mound, a look of pain and guilt.

Why did he have that look?

"I'm sorry..."

Why did sawamura apologize?

It was supposed to be him! Miyuki was supposed to be the one who has to apologize! He has to be the one feeling guilty right now.


He could have possible ended sawamura's career

It didn't even matter when they lost, sure it was definitely painful but they have taken too much pain and loss today to feel anything at this point.

Was koshien worth it?

His heart ached, he couldn't bring himself to visit the pitcher at the hospital.

The third years moved out the dorms immediately, he only felt numb.

A peaceful afternoon came three days later, miyuki hasn't slept properly, only managing four or five hours of sleep since then.

He decided to visit sawamura at the hospital, he's heard updates from the other first years and from the coach and needless to say they weren't good news, today he decided to go himself.

When he opened the door he didn't expect sawamura out of bed, he certainly didn't expect the pitcher to be attempting to pitch an apple.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Miyuki asked

Sawamura nervously smiled "nothing?"

Miyuki sighed "leave the poor apple alone and I know you can move your arm but you shouldn't make big movements with it yet"

The pitcher pouted "but it's so boring here! And why did you decide to only visit me now?? I was worried you fell into a depression void since Chris-senpai left!" He said

"As if, it was just getting hard since I also have captain work to take care of" miyuki said

"I see" sawamura said

Silence filled the room, what was he supposed to say?

"Mei called me" sawamura said

Miyuki furrowed his brows, why would mei call sawamura?

"We talked about some stuff, I was able to explain my situation to him and he said something about getting my butt back on the field and hit you on the head" sawamura said "I'm glad it was resolved, he said he's totally gonna win koshien"

"You know, he came running to you when the paramedics were helping you off the field, we kinda held him back though" miyuki said

He remembered mei trying to claw his way through, screaming his lungs out saying something that miyuki couldn't comprehend at that time.

"Miyuki, I promise to come back to the field better than before! We won't lose to them next time!!" Sawamura declared

The catcher was stunned, that came out so abruptly, then be laughed

"Wha- WHATS SO FUNNY??" Sawamura yelled

"Nothing nothing, it's refreshing to see that stupid side of yours after a while" miyuki said

Although they both knew deep down, that the chances of him coming back to the field were low.

He looked at the pitcher's bandaged arm, sawamura noticed this and just smiled

"Don't worry okay? It's my fault I pushed myself too hard!" He said

Miyuki nodded, despite what sawamura says it still weights on him, since he is his catcher.

"It's not my first time in the hospital!" Sawamura continued to offer him words of encouragement, did he look that guilty?

Miyuki smiled as he listened to sawamura ramble on and on about the most random of things, he enjoyed listening to the pitcher, he never noticed it was getting dark outside, the sun was setting.

The beautiful orange rays of light from the windows made sawamura look stunning, his golden eyes stood out.

Miyuki compared the smiling bedridden sawamura to the sawamura on the mound, so different yet it made sense.

A week later sawamura was finally back in the dorms, everyone immediately greeted him and the pitcher just laughed spouting things that it wasn't a big deal.

Everything was slowly moving back into place, there are adjustments needed to be made but the were getting there.

Miyuki looked at sawamura who was getting strangled by kuramochi, he didn't want to see sawamura hurt, never again.


Chapter is a little shorter than usual, but yeah it's been a while since I updated :)

Hope everyone has a great day so far!

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