Chapter 18

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"Sawamura I know you're there" miyuki sighed

It's been weeks and sawamura was still banned from playing, but that doesn't stop the idiot from following everyone around trying to get in on their practice.

The brunette's head popped from behind the door and made his way in the indoor training grounds, looking annoyed and he was also fidgeting

Another thing miyuki noticed was the way sawamura has been acting outside practice, he would constantly space out and has this negative aura around him.

"How's your arm doing?" Miyuki asked

Sawamura beamed "it's doing well of course!! I'm working my butt off with Chris-senpai!"

Miyuki is grateful that Chris was willing to help with sawamura's rehabilitation, especially after the summer tournament.

"That's good then, so what are you doing here? I assume you won't be practicing your batting"  miyuki asked

The first year crossed his arms "Don't just assume things miyuki kazuya! What makes you think I'm not here to practice batting??" He exclaimed

The catcher wanted to smack him right then and there "well first of all, you can't bat because you're still banned from practices and second you don't even have a bat" he said


As much as it hurt miyuki to turn down sawamura everytime he asked to play catch, it was for his own good.

"Miyuki" sawamura said, his voice was low indicating that he was serious on what he's about to say next

"Do you trust that new coach?" The pitcher asked

Miyuki was surprised, where did this come from?

"Kinda I guess, he's been giving advice to everyone and in our current situation we need all the help we can get with two coaches we have a slight advantage" miyuki said

Sawamura was silent for a few seconds, staring miyuki straight in the eyes "what if I were to tell you he's not here to be our assistant coach?" He asked

His eyes widened "what do you mean?"

"The third years told me something, the coach is planning to retire soon." Sawamura said "that new coach is here to take over"

There's no way, right?

The pitcher looked down "tomorrow the retired third years will initiate a game with the current team, something about whipping us into shape" he said

"The seniors are?" Miyuki asked

Sawamura smiled "apparently we look like kicked puppies, so they're planning to kick us harder so that we would get to work"

"That kinda makes no sense but it sounds like them alright" miyuki said, a grin on his face "what are you trying to do by telling me this sawamura?" He asked

Smiling, sawamura said "nothing at all"

He knows damn well that's not true, this idiot is always up to something.

"Although, I would appreciate it if you look a little closer" sawamura said "that new coach, is pretty brutal"

"What do you mean by that?" Miyuki asked

Sawamura looked away "He's the type of coach who values talent and skill over hard work, those who he doesn't deem strong enough is cut off" he said

"Isn't that kind of how we operate already?" Miyuki asked

The first year groaned "No! What I mean is that, he's willing to turn a blind eye to hard work! He'll do anything to give those who are talented a future, but for the rest? Barely anything" sawamura said

Miyuki was surprised "what makes you think that?"

"Cuz I've met him before, he was one of the coaches at the camp I went to" sawamura said "I'll never forgive him, he broke a lot of people's hope and the audacity of the man to say that I should switch to side arm AFTER I mastered my throwing motion"

"You didn't listen to him atleast" miyuki said

Sawamura huffed "I almost fell for it, at the time I was desperate to be the best, but in just a few days I decided to stick to my own style, especially since mei-san almost drowned me in the bathroom when he found out"

"Yeah that sounds like him" miyuki laughed

The following day the third years showed up just like sawamura said, demanding a full game with them.

Sawamura and Miyuki looked at each other and grinned, this was going to be so much fun.

That was moments ago... Now they were getting pummeled

They were ruthless, they weren't kicking them in the ass, they were full on hitting them with a truck.

The team was already in a horrible position and it did not help that the third years brought in Chris to be a catcher.

Sawamura jumped from his seat "Chris-senpai is playing!!" He exclaimed

"We see that!!" Kuramochi yelled

"That's not fair! If he can play then I want to play too!!" Sawamura yelled

Miyuki pinched his cheek "nope" he said

"It's the last inning!! Pleaseeeee" sawamura said, flailing his arms

"Stop that you're gonna hurt yourself" haruichi said

Sawamura pouted, then he had an idea

He looked miyuki in the eyes, his own eyes watering as he looked up begging.

No no...not this again.

Everyone knows that when sawamura uses this method it's impossible to say no, damn.

"Fine..." Miyuki said

Sawamura jumped in victory while the other laughed at miyuki

"Can't blame you miyuki" kuramochi said

"You caved in finally huh?" Zono Asked

Miyuki sighed "you guys just....don't."

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