Chapter 11

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"Why didn't you report it?? i can't believe you just let them go unpunished" miyuki said

sawamura sighed "i would if i knew who the person was, besides i woke up to the news of my grandmother's dead and not being able to play baseball like i used to! can you blame me?" he argued

the two sat on the room's floor in silence, wondering what they were supposed to say after everything that had just come out into the light

"but why would you quit though, it's not like anybody held you back or is preventing you" miyuki asked

the first year pulled his knees closer to his chest as he stared at the ceiling "when i started my rehabilitation regimen i was actually pretty determined as my parents would describe it, but as i went on i guess i started to acknowledge that i'm not like before anymore, i can't pitch as freely and i'm not like other now" he said "i felt out of place and different, i couldn't help but start to accept this new me" a small tear made it down his cheek but he quickly wiped it off, this did not go unnoticed by miyuki

miyuki raised his eyebrow "but you still went on to continue playing" he said

"after multiple pushes from my family and friends, especially wakana i decided to give it a try again" sawamura said "i had no plans for highschool other than passing and getting into a good college, but then i met takashima-san! she walked by while i was playing with friends at an empty lot and asked me to come to seidou!" he said

the catcher smirked "so she picked you off the streets?" he asked

"wha- No!! well yes kind of, that's your take away?!" sawamura exclaimed

the older male sighed "so what now? do you have a plan on what to do with the thing going on between you drama queens?" he asked

"don't call me a drama queen!" sawamura yelled

"just stating facts" miyuki said

the pitcher groaned "well they definetely won't listen to me, mei-san said that i have to prove myself to him so i'll do that" he said

miyuki hummed "how are you planning on doing that?" he asked

sawamura crossed his arms infront of his chest as he now sat crosslegged "i'll beat him!" he simply stated

"you say that like it's easy, you do know he's currently the best pitcher of our generation right?" miyuki said "besides you haven't fully recovered"

the pitcher pouted "i just want things to be like before, i'll do whatever it takes just so i can set everything right with them" he said "i haven't even thanked them yet for everything they have taught me"

miyuki looked a little disappointed in his answer, he sighed once again and stood up "i'ts getting late now, we have a game tomorrow you should get some rest" he said

"what? but the seniors aren't back yet" sawamura said

"it's not like you have anything else to do, you're pitching tomorrow so just shut up and listen to what i say" miyuki said, opening the door

sawamura rolled his eyes and exited the room, not before sticking out his tongue in mockery to miyuki who just decided to be mature and ignore that taunt

"oi what the hell is going on with you two??" kuramochi asked as he ran to the battery pair who was heading back to the dugout, ready to switch on the offensive

miyuki shrugged "whatever do you mean?" he asked

the shortstop groaned "this weird chemistry you two have going on right now, i'm getting a weird vibe from you two" he said

"it doesn't really matter as long as they're performing well, but yes the vibe between the two of you is so positive it's actually making even me uncomfortable" ryousuke added

the catcher was a little surprised "coming from you senpai? that's rather concerning" he said

sawamura nodded "i agree! i don't feel like anything has changed between us" he faced miyuki

miyuki also nodded "i don't either"

"this is what i'm talking about!!" kuramochi yelled "normally you two would argue about almost anything stupid, now you just agree with each other??" he said

"they evolved from newly weds to an old married couple" tetsu said

isashiki grimaced "don't give me a mental image! the moment these two get together all hell will break loose!!" he exclaimed

"these two would annoy each other to death before they can even say anything" kuramochi stated

everyone nodded in agreement except for miyuki and sawamura standing silently at the side, wondering why the hell their teammates were talking about this topic, damn shippers.

"did something happen between the two of you? it's not a bad thing considering your performance but i'm curious myself" chris asked

great even chris got involved

miyuki smirked "oh? well sawamura came knocking on my door last night, i let him in and we were on the floor in each other's compan-" a pair of hands then flew over his mouth with a loud slap, that's gonna leave a mark

sawamura glared at the catcher "you make it sound so wrong!!"

the catcher pulled his hands away from his mouth as he massaged his reddish face where the hands previously were "oi! i'm your senior! and what do you mean i make it sound wrong?? i'm only saying the truth"

the pitcher groaned "you get what i mean!!"

"no i really dont" miyuki said

the first year furrowed his brows "we were on the floor that's it!!" he yelled

"now you're the one making it sound all wrong!!" miyuki yelled

kuramochi was gagging at this point, a certain roommate is gonna have to move rooms, ryousuke is emmitting an impressively huge murderous aura and everyone is silently suffering with the mental image

"just so we're clear you two are not together right?" chris asked

sawamura shook his head "me? together with this bastard? i'd rather eat my own foot!" he huffed

"just so you know people would be begging me to date them!" miyuki said

"in your dreams! who would want to date a baseball obsessed freak like you?" sawamura said

miyuki made a dramatic gasping gesture with his hand on his chest "i'm the baseball obsessed freak? makes me wonder what you are! a baseball minded simpleton who's only focused on pitching" he said

sawamura huffed "and you called ME the drama queen last night!"

"you were the one crying" miyuki grinned

the pitcher's face flushed bright red "i was not crying!!" he said

"someone stop them before i throw up" kuramochi said "i'm never looking at sawamura the same ever again"

masuko nodded in agreement

chris hummed "no let them be"

tetsu nodded "they said they were not together, a one night stand?"

"tetsu damn it! don't make it worse!" isashiki yelled

"YOU'RE ALL MISUNDERSTANDING EVERYTHING!!" both miyuki and sawamura yelled in unison

ryousuke sat on the bench looking relieved "peace has been restored"

"did you all forget we're in the middle of a game?" kataoka said

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