Chapter 19

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Miyuki was beginning to become suspicious at a certain pitcher, not only does he disappear after eating but according to kuramochi the idiot comes back to their dorm later than usual, when he followed the said pitcher he couldn't decide if he should be relieved.

Sawamura seems to be practicing his pitches with his fellow first years, of course there's nothing wrong with that but his throws are incredibly off

From the looks of it he's been trying out different grips, judging from the movement and speed of the ball it's definitely for a change up.

It's good that he's experimenting and all but why does miyuki feel annoyed at the fact that sawamura didn't even bother to talk to him about it, he IS his catcher right?

"It's a shame really, there were better and more talented pitchers that are worthy of that title but it just had to fa into his hands"

Miyuki jumped from where he stood, he turned to find coach Ochiai eyeing him while massaging his small beard.

"What's your opinion on this captain? Is sawamura worthy of his title?" He asked

The catcher was stunned, first of all how dare he even ask that after how hard sawamura worked and everything he's gone through, second how long has he been there and where did he come from??

"He has room to improve, he is already advanced for someone his age and not to mention he's not even in full power yet due to his injury" miyuki answered

Ochiai looked at him, as if inspecting and processing the answer miyuki gave him.

"I see... Did you know during his first game as a national treasure outside the camp, he was so prideful and arrogant that his catcher couldn't even bear to be in a battery with him" Ochiai said "from then on he hasn't been in a battery for more than a year"

Miyuki could feel something was up from the tone of the man's voice "what are you trying to say?"

Ochiai hummed "I'm just saying that it's probably for the best if he stays injured, if he goes all out who knows what he'll do to your so called team chemistry"

"Are you saying that none of us will be able to keep up with him?" Miyuki said, irritated and insulted

The coach stayed silent for a while, then he turned around "just take my word as a warning or a precaution, that boy is out of control and the one you see now is merely a branch compared to the whole tree that he actually is" he then walked away leaving the captain alone once again

Miyuki thought about it, is the coach saying that he's not good enough for sawamura? That's impossible right? He literally one of if not the best catchers in there division

He can't let the idiot outshine him, miyuki won't let him overpower him so easily.

The following day miyuki trained harder than usual, he would hit balls from the machine into the outer fields with no problem.

This change in behavior does not go unnoticed however, kuramochi has approached him multiple times to ask what's up and at one point even threatened

Miyuki didn't have time for this, as they speak sawamura is out there working on a brand new pitch, once again gaining another power up.

He can't let sawamura down, he will prove that he is a suitable catcher for sawamura, that there is a reason why the pitcher chose him to be his catcher.

"Miyuki! The coach is calling you!" Zono yelled

The catcher wiped the sweat off his face and made his face to the dugout, there we was asked to review the pitching line up which is the same as always with furuya and kawakami.

"Sawamura will be our trump card, in case something unfortunate happens." Kataoka said

"I'm sure there won't be, Furuya has been performing well recently and is a solid contender for the ace number" Ochiai said

Here they go again

"That's true, furuya is above average when it comes to baseball talent" Miyuki said "but he's still a first year and mistakes can happen from his side as well so it's always ideal to have a backup plan"

Ochiai just stayed quiet, silently observing as always.

He's always observing them, miyuki doesn't dare to point it out but there is something behind those eyes that makes his stomach churn.

Miyuki sighed as he stared up at the bright sky, sawamura won't outshine him, he won't let the pitcher leave him so easily.

After all they promised to win the tournament together, surely sawamura isn't just the type of person to abandon and neglect his battery mate as soon as they wouldn't be able to keep up right?

I haven't updated in so long aaaaaaaaaa

This chapter is shorter than usual, I have school now and I desperately need sleep, have a good day everyone!

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