Chapter 10

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Eijun held the ball closer to his chest, why did he insist of going alone? he was completely lost and has no idea what to do

"you came" a familiar voice said

The brunette recognized that voice, quickly turned around to see the same mister from a few weeks ago smiling at him, he flashed a bright smile and bowed "yes sir! thank you for inviting me!!" he said

"Thr program should be staring soon, follow me i'll take you" he said as he took sawamura's hand and guided him towards a group, the other kids greeted the man happily

Eijun noticed other groups in other areas as well, from what he could tell they were led by adults who he assumes are like mister

Sawamura fiddled with his fingers as he sat at the side seats wearing his baseball uniform, he held his glove close to his chest while eyeing the other kids.

One by one they were called by their name, they were then taken to a section of the field where their different skills were being tested.

First up was batting, to be honest sawamura didn't really think about practicing his batting skills because all he thought about was pitching and striking out the batters since it looked pretty cool.

"Sawamura Eijun" the staff called

The brunette stood up straight and took a deep breath, he placed his mitt on the bench for now and grabbed the batting helmet and bat from the previous kid, he then positioned himself, he eyed the pitching machine closely awaiting the ball.

He's gonna prove himself to be the best! No matter what it is! Pitching, Batting, Fielding! bring it!!

One swing, he missed.

He won't miss a second time!!

Another, miss.

Third time's a charm right?

Apparently not.

"That's all, next." the facilitator said as he wrote down the results in the clipboard he held

"w-wait! one more try!" sawamura yelled

Sawamura Eijun never wanted to sink into a hole and disappear so much in his life, he completely bombed that batting stage.

Pitching wasn't any better either, his pitches aren't incredibly fast and they couldn't even hit the target mark, he felt completely out of place here when he watched other kids do it while making it look effortless.

Because of the little scene he caused at the batting cage earlier he made quite a name for himself as the prideful pitcher who can't shut up, he's completely alone during lunchtime.

Today was different though.

"Hey you!" a blonde kid with blue eyes approached him, he was shorter than him and had blue eyes "you're that pitcher that got yelled at earlier aren't you?"

Sawamura stared at the boy, is he talking to him?

"My name is Narumiya Mei! from Tokyo!" he held out his hand for Eijun to shake

The brunette hesitantly shook his hand "Sawamura Eijun, from Nagano"

"You must be pretty special to be invited to this pitcher camp! can you throw any breaking balls?" he asked

Sawamura shook his head " but i will one day" he said

Narumiya didn't look too impressed at him "but somehow you're here? oh well! come join us, you look pretty lonely here by yourself" he said as he took sawamura's wrist and pulled him towards a group

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