Chapter 5: Run

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"My home??" you asked shocked.

"Well, naturally, I asked you to come to Neverland with me," Peter said like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"B-but, what about London, and, and, my grandparents, and my Dad!!?? What did you do to him!??" you yelled getting angry. Our feet were hitting the ground, near some type of camp.

"That doesn't matter now, you're home!" he said grinning. "By the way, I never asked you, what's your name?" he asked.

"(Y/N)," you said stammering not believing what he just said.

"Beautiful," he said in a low voice, thinking you wouldn't hear him. He looked at you, " I suppose you should meet the other boys, eh?" You nodded. You walked further into the camp. Peter yelled for the boys to come out. "We have someone new in Neverland," he said while winking at you. The boys came out of their tents, then gasping at the sight of a girl. You looked down at the ground, feeling awkward about being the only girl.

You met all the boys only remembering two names, Henry and Felix. You looked around, realizing how late it actually was. Peter suddenly spoke, "Are you tired?" he asked looking at you. Suddenly you thought of something.

"Yeah, I guess, I'm pretty tired." You said "yawning."

"Well let's get you off to bed," Peter said with a smile. He was leading the way to a larger tent, you guessed it was. You lingered behind. Peter was to busy talking to you to notice. Quickly, you turned around, running as fast as you could into the forest, not looking back. You had no idea how far you had gone until you ran into a blonde woman. You fell quickly, she reached her hand out to help you.

"Here let me help you." she said with a genuine smile. You accepted her help. "I'm Emma, Emma Swan. You are?"

"(Y/N)," you answered.

"Who were you running from?" she asked.

"Peter," you said quickly. She gasped and looked at you strangely.

"Was Henry there??!" she yelled.

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