Chapter 9

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"Of course I'm out of my mind!! It's dark and scary in there!"

"Of course I'm out of my mind!! It's dark and scary in there!"

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Two of my favourite characters with my favourite protagonist

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Two of my favourite characters with my favourite protagonist. Gehe...😁 And Shisui too...

On to the story we go...

No one's pov:

"Summon him here."

The man sitting on a throne like chair, holding a book titled, 'Icha Icha Paradise' ordered.

The weird plant man bowed before sinking to the ground.

The large hall was dark, only light being the lamp on the table infront of the man reading porn.

Well he appears to be reading but he hasn't turned the page for past two hours. It's either he lost in his thoughts or there's a steamy scene on the page that he kept reading again and again for satisfaction.

It's seems the former option is correct as his irises were stuck on a specific spot on the page and doesn't seem to follow the lines on the paper. Yep!! He's in deep thought... about a boy... who he should've looked after like his baby brother. After all, that kid's father, his teacher, practically adopted him when his own dad, committed suicide.

His thoughts were interrupted by clicking noise of sandals on the marble floors. The figure approached and stood before him. The man opened his eyes revealing red irises with three tomae each, shining brightly in the dark.

"Kakashi-senpai, did you summon me here?" The man asked.


Kakashi started, his usually droopy and tired eyes now sharp as blade, indicating how serious the matter is. He closed his book and placed it on table.

Itachi continued to stare at him letting him know that he's listening.

"Do you remember a blonde kid from our village, by the name Uzumaki Naruto?" Kakashi asked after a few moments of staring contest.

"I believe I do know him. Isn't he the fourth's son, who both of us along with Shisui protected when we were ANBU back in the leaf?"

"That's him. Although I left the village before he even turned one year old." Kakashi said, seemingly guilty.

"What about him, senpai?" Itachi asked sensing guilt from the former ANBU captain.

"He was tortured and raped on the day of graduation." Kakashi said, observing Itachi.

Itachi's three tomae sharingon started to spin violently as it transformed into mangekyo sharingon. His relaxed hands were now curled into a tight fist. Visible frown on his lips which he hid behind the high collars of the black cloak.

"It's rare to see you loose your cool like that." Kakashi would've smirked under his mask, but he's just as angry as Itachi now.

"Senpai, I wish to pay Konoha a little visit." Itachi said, about to turn away.

"Calm down Itachi. If you're after those who raped Naruto, I already took care of them. If you just wanted to see Naruto, he's out of the village on a mission."

Kakashi said knowing what Itachi was thinking. After being assigned by the third hokage to look after baby Naruto, the three ANBUs developed a soft spot for Naruto.

"We have much important issues in our hands right now. I believe I already explained to everyone about Naruto before, how I'm planning on bringing him here. Itachi, I want you to make a shadow clone and send it to the land of Waves. That's where Naruto is now. Jiraya managed to put the seal of despair on Naruto, so I want your clone to watch over him from the shadows until they return to leaf."

Itachi nodded and created a shadow clone. It poofed away.

"What about me?" He asked.

"I want you and Kisame to go find Uchiha Shisui, who's in the Sand village keeping an eye on the one tail jinjuriki. Bring him as fast as you can. Also tell him what I happened to Naruto. Out of us three, he seemed to be overprotective of Naruto, so I think he will comply fast once he hears about the situation." Kakashi said.

Itachi nodded and walked away.
(I told you, a few members of Uchiha clan survived. Shisui lost one of his eyes but is still alive.)

Clone Itachi's pov:

I've been watching the fight between Zabuza and Obito's team. They are loosing.

I almost jumped down from the tree branch I was hiding in when a child with mask tried to kill the unconscious Naruto. Luckily Sasuke saved him.

I heard Sasuke declaring how Naruto is like a brother to him. My little brother has grown so much. I'm proud of his achievements.

He ran off and got trapped in an ice prison. Must be the masked boy's kekkei genkai.

I waited a few minutes. I'm worried. According to my intel, he hasn't awakened sharingon get. I so badly wanted to step in...

Until I heard his screams. I totally froze in my place. I was pulled back to reality when I sensed dark chakra.

I looked back and saw Naruto wide awake with black, purple and red chakra spiking.

The seal must have been turned his negative emotions into chakra, but this amount of negativity? What happened to you Naruto?

I think I now understand why Kakashi looked so guilty. If only had I been there for him... If only we had a choice... Shisui would be so mad when he hears about what happened to Naruto on graduation day. Tch!

I watched as Naruto effortlessly defeated the two ninjas. He seemed to be loosing control, but thanks to Sasuke, he's now sleeping. He should really learn how to use this power.

Now that the threat is gone, I should go report to Kakashi. Naruto would be sleeping for atleast two days.

To be continued...

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