Chapter 30

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"No single thing is perfect by itself. That's why we are born to attract other things to make up for what we lack."

I'm going to rush this fanfiction from this chapter onwards. The story is nothing like the anime yet so similar to the anime. So I hope you will forgive me. I had another idea for a book and I can't start without finishing this first. So I want to finish this as soon as possible.

 So I want to finish this as soon as possible

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Chapter 30Kage Summit

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Chapter 30
Kage Summit

No one's pov:

Kakashi and Naruto smirked at each other. They are gonna make the world pay for what it did to them.

"I know how to help you find Danzo..."

At hokage office:

Danzo is standing infront of Tsunade. She had called him to discuss an important matter. Tsunade was gritting her teeth while glaring daggers.

After a few moments of staring contest, Tsunade cleared her throat.

"I ask of you to accompany me to Sand village for the Kage summit tomorrow." Tsunade said.

Danzo agreed and left.

Next morning:

Tsunade and Danzo set out for the Kage summit. The journey was peaceful. No one said anything to each other.

They reached the Sand village and is welcomed by the Kazekage Gaara himself.

They entered a big hall where others are waiting. They couldn't wait, because the topic of discussion was serious.

Mei the mizukage, A the raikage, Onoki the tsuchikage greeted Tsunade and Gaara as they entered.

The elders who accompanied the kages stood behind their respective kages as the kages sat.

"I hope you all know why we have gathered here." Gaara started.

The others nodded.

"We are here to discuss about the criminal organization, Akatsuki and how to protect the jinjuriki of eight tails." Gaara continued.

"What happened to the jinjuriki of the nine tails?" A asked mockingly while glancing at Tsunade. Gaara and Mei frowned at A.

Tsunade clenched her hands and Danzo looked down.

But before anyone could respond, A was thrown away from the chair he was sitting and hit the wall, cracking it.

In the place where A sat, Naruto appeared in a glitch.

A stood up, wiping away blood from his lips.

"You want to know what happened to the nine tails jinjuriki? Well you're looking right at him."

Naruto's piercing, cold blue eyes met A's furious ones.

"What? Can't control your temper? And you call yourself a kage who calm and collectively protect the village? Or are you shaken up experiencing my raw strength?" Naruto mocked releasing large amount of KI.

The kages froze.

"What are you doing here?" Onoki asked.

"Me? Oh I almost forgot. I'm here to ask you to hand over the eight tails jinjuriki." Naruto said crossing his arms.

"I would never." A yelled as he ran towards Naruto in lightning speed.

But not enough to beat Naruto. Naruto glitched away and appeared above A with rasengan, hitting his head. His head slammed to the floor breaking the tiles.

A shakily stood up.

"Naruto..." Danzo muttered dangerously.

"Hmm?" Naruto looked at Danzo. "Oh... you must be Danzo."

"Damn right I am. How dare you embarrass Konoha." He screamed.

Naruto laughed loudly.

"I embarrassed Konoha? When the biggest embarrassment of Konoha is standing before me?"

Tsunade almost smirked.

Suddenly he disappeared in a glitch. Before anyone could do anything, Danzo's head rolled down the floor. Naruto appeared beside the fallen body with his sword unsheathed. Everyone looked at him in shock and fear.

Naruto turned towards them. "I'll ask again. Where's the eight tails jinjuriki?"

"Naruto please stop it." Tsunade cried.

"So you won't hand over the jinjuriki willingly, huh? Fine... we'll do this in the hard way. I declare... the fourth shinobi war!" Naruto said and glitched away.

He appeared beside Kakashi and another guy.

"So did you get the nine tail's chakra?" Naruto asked.

"Yes. Even though they are re-animated, they still are the jinjuriki of the nine tails. We already extracted them." Kakashi said. (I'm talking about the two criminals who Kurama ate.)

"How did it go on your part?" The guy asked.

"They wanted war." Naruto smirked.

"Stubborn as ever." Kakashi sighed.

" I can't wait to show them what specimens I possess." The guy smirked.

"We're counting on you, Kabuto." Kakashi said.

Kabuto nodded.

To be continued...

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