Chapter 24

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"Just because someone is important to you, it doesn't necessarily mean that the person is good. Even if you knew that person was evil.... people can't win against their loneliness."


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No one's pov:

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No one's pov:

The whole hidden leaf village is prepared for an attack... from their sunshine blonde Uzumaki Naruto.

Naruto hasn't made an appearance yet, but there was a rumour going around in the five great nations.

Hoshigaki Kisame of the Akatsuki, Itachi's ex-partner and one of seven swordsmen of the hidden mist was murdered.

Most people doesn't know who killed him. He didn't die from chakra exhaustion, but from severe injuries which seemed hard to heal compared to normal injuries, according to Konan who inspected the body.

Those injuries could be caused by only someone, the nine tailed beast. Or rather the jinjuriki, Uzumaki Naruto.

Somehow the word leaked out from the Akatsuki, thanks to *cough* Hidan *cough*, the leaf village now know that Naruto is an enemy of the Akatsuki.

So the elders being elders, called a meeting to retrieve back what's theirs.
And of course, they called the team 7 and Uchiha Obito, and the Uchiha duo of the Akatsuki.

Shisui and Itachi stared hard at Danzo. Everyone could swear that they saw electric sparks in between them.

"We've all gathered here to discuss about asking help from Uzumaki Naruto to destroy the Akatsuki." Tsunade said standing up, effectively gaining their attention.

"But Tsunade-sama, Naruto wants to destroy the village. I don't think he'll agree to help." Sakura said moving towards Sasuke.

"We have to restrain him and bring him back. If you give him to me, I'll make an obedient shinobi out of him-" Danzo was cut off by Tsunade.

"I think you have caused enough trouble already, Danzo. Don't forget that it's you who leaked out the S-class secret of Naruto being the jinjuriki."

Shisui, Obito, Itachi and team 7 glared at Danzo.

"Which led him to flee from the village because of the hatred you caused." Sasuke completed still glaring at Danzo.

"So in this matter, I'll make a decision and I don't want any opinions on this. I'm not like Sarutobi Hiruzen to play along with your desires. I promise you, you don't want to make me angry." Tsunade said in a cold tone releasing immeasurable amount of KI.

Danzo and his two minions (I don't know the name of the other two elders who stick with Danzo) were wise enough to keep their mouth shut.

"Team 7, Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke, I'm sending you on an A-rank mission. The rank of the mission will increase according to the circumstances, so be very careful. The mission, I want you two to go investigate where they found Kisame's body, pick any trails left behind by Naruto and find him. Sasuke, when you find him, try to convince him to come back. Sakura, watch your words when you're around Naruto. We don't want to provoke him. If he doesn't listen and try to attack, retreat and come back. Don't engage in a battle." Tsunade said.

Sakura and Sasuke nodded.

"And now that Itachi and Shisui are back, I'm giving you two back your positions as jonin. You two, along with Obito will stay back in the village, incase Naruto tries to attack us while team 7's mission is still going on."

The three Uchihas nodded.

"I'll meet you at the gate in 30 minutes." Sasuke said and they both disappeared.

Itachi, Shisui and Obito went back to their positions.

After everyone left, a man entered the room.

"Orochimaru, you're back." Tsunade greeted.

"Yes. I've investigated if the rumours were true. It is. Kisame is brutally killed using the nine tails chakra. Not only Kisame, but all the witnesses were killed in the similar way." Orochimaru reported.

"So Naruto wasn't on a rampage. He was aware of what he's doing." Tsunade bit her nails.

"The first time I saw the boy was a day or two before he left the village. He has the seal of despair which seals away his emotions. Making him use the raw strength of his emotions all while being able to strategize clearly without any emotions to interrupt. He's invincible. The only way to beat him is to overwhelm him with his emotions. There must be a limit to which the seal can contain." Orochimaru said looking towards the gate.

"Which is why Sasuke is the only one who can stop him." Tsunade too, joined looking out of the window.

At the gate, no one's pov:

Sakura and Sasuke met up exactly after 30 minutes and left to the forest where Kisame's body was found. They started their mission. When they neared the forest, Sakura suddenly stopped. Sasuke stopped and turned around, raising an eyebrow.

"D-do you think... Naruto would be happy to see me?" Sakura asked.

"I'm sure he'll be happy to see you. We are his teammates after all. We will bring him back." Sasuke softly smiled.

Sasuke nodded. They continued their way towards their destination. When they reached there, they were left speechless by what they saw.

The three were cleared and the ground was a mess. Blood were spilled everywhere and they can still see limbs of the victims left behind by Naruto.

The trail of blood drops lead them into the another side of the forest. They followed the trail and ended up infront of a cave.

Sasuke activated his sharingan. "Lucky us. He's in there."

Inside the cave, Naruto pov:

I was back from killing Kisame. It's been almost two weeks since I killed Kisame. It appears that the Akatsuki already knew I'm laying low and decided to kill me on the sight.

If that's the case, I'll have to destroy the Akatsuki before I go after the leaf village. Especially I have to take down the Uchiha duo. As long as Akatsuki have them, it will be a little difficult.

I sighed. I can sense two chakra presences. They seems kinda familiar.

Hmm... Let's see who they are.

"He's right there!" I heard a girl shouting.

I turned around and saw two people standing at the entrance of the cave.

To be continued...

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