Chapter 12

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"If you are cold, you hurt people. If you are sensitive, they hurt you."


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Chapter 12The Chunin exam and a new Jinjuriki

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Chapter 12
The Chunin exam and a new Jinjuriki

No one's pov:

Naruto didn't go out for two days. Although Kurama doesn't approve of Naruto skipping his training, he still let him stay indoors and had him practice chakra control.

During these two days, his teammates tried to get him out in hopes of talking to him but Naruto wouldn't come out.

On the third day, he decided to leave his safe space. He took a bath and changed into his outfit.

"Naruto, are you going to skip breakfast again?" Kurama asked.

"Not hungry" was Naruto's short reply.

Kurama sighed. His kit hasn't eaten anything since the wave mission. He seem almost unrecognisable with exhausted composure and dark eyebags from lack of sleep.

Naruto locked his apartment and head out to the bridge where they usually meet.

When he reached there, he saw Sakura and Sakura already there waiting for Obito.

"Hn, dobe. You finally decided to show up." Sasuke said in a serious tone.

"Quit it, Sasuke-kun." Sakura interjected remembering what happened last time before Naruto isolated himself.

Sasuke also remembered how Naruto flinched last time when they tried to comfort him. He sighed and looked at Naruto.

Naruto is looking down not facing the two. He decided to ignore them and walked to the other side of the bridge and sat down.

A few moments later, Obito appeared with three paper slips. Upon seeing Naruto, he grinned.

"Glad to have you back Naruto. How are you feeling?"

Naruto looked up for three to five seconds before looking down again.
"I'm fine."

Obito sighed.

"Alright, I'm here to give you these slips for Chunin exam. If you wanna participate, fill this form and hand it over to me by tomorrow noon. more thing. You can only participate as a team." He said and gave them the forms.

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