Chapter 18

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"The world judges me by the decisions I make. Never does it see the options I had to choose from."


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Chapter 18A former friend from the Sand

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Chapter 18
A former friend from the Sand

No one's pov:

Naruto got ready for the mission to capture the one tail jinjuriki.
"Kurama? Are you awake?" Naruto asked as he put the necessities in the bag.

"What is it?" A loud voice grumbled in his head.

"Today's the day I have to capture the jinjuriki. We're heading out now to the sand village." Naruto informed.

Kurama grunted in acknowledgement but didn't say anything.

Naruto looked around the base he was staying with Jiraya and his apprentices. He couldn't find them except for Nagato, who was coming downstairs to prepare morning coffee.

"Nagato, I'm heading out now. I have prepared breakfast for everyone. But heat it before you eat. And don't go out too early, it's not good for your health, as it's still cold outside. Don't drink cold water. Keep your body warm. If you feel any pain, drink the medicine on your nightstand that I got you last tim-" Naruto's ranting was cut off by the red head chuckling.

"You said you don't care but your actions betray your words." Nagato said with a soft smile. Naruto scowled and turned around.

"Don't worry Naruto. I'll take care of myself. Good luck on your mission."

Naruto nodded and headed out.

"Oh! You're already here, Shisui. Am I late?" Naruto asked as he exited the base.

Shisui shook his head. "No you're right on time. Let's go."

The two began their journey towards their destination. After a long silence, Shisui decided to speak.

"So Naruto... How have you been?"

Naruto gave a side glance.

"Been good." Came Naruto's short response. "How's Itachi?"

Shisui looked at him at the unexpected question. He said with a fake hurt expression. "I'm standing right next to you but you decided to ask about someone who's not even here?"

"That's not what I meant." Naruto said. "I saw you two for the first time yesterday. But I could tell Itachi wasn't feeling good from our encounter."

Now Naruto had Shisui's attention.

"He was worked up from what he heard about me destroying Konoha. But his breathing wasn't normal. It was heavy and laboured, unlike when people get get excited. His left hands were resting outside his cloak. Usually ninjas do this to conserve body heat, but it could also be to relieve pain caused by certain diseases. I'd say it's latter, cause he looked like he was in pain."

Shisui looked shock to hear it.

Naruto sighed. "And from your expression, I guess it's safe to assume that it's true."

Shisui looked away. "You're right, Naruto. Itachi have a terminal illness, connected to his lungs. Itachi keeps everything to himself, so he decided to not to ask for help."

"Is that so? I'll see what I can do." Naruto said. "I'll apologize to him later for riling him up."

Shisui smiled looking down. "Thanks for looking out for him Naruto. He won't listen to anyone but he might listen to you." Shisui laughed. "I guess you learned this from Konan. She's the only one in the group who can use medical ninjutsu. And taking care of Nagato gave you enough experience."

Naruto nodded. "I learn anything I can. From anywhere I can. From anyone I can. You'll never know when you'll be grateful for what you've learned."

They stopped when they noticed that they reached the gates of the sand village. They covered their heads with stray hats as they tried to enter sneakily, in order to not cause commotion.

The last thing they want is for the Kazekage to discover the threat and strike back. Besides Naruto would appreciate it if he can finish it without having to fight or show his face to his self proclaimed ex-friend.

But the guards have other ideas. They decided to turn around and spot the two rogue ninjas.

"Fuck!" They both muttered.

Four guards attacked them while the other two head to inform the already prepared... shinobis?

Why are the sand shinobis standing in front of the kage tower prepared for an attack? How did they know they're going to be attacked?

Naruto gritted his teeth as Shisui used his sharingan to put a genjutstu on the guards.

They ran into the village and hid in an alley, away from the searching eyes of the sand ninjas. Suddenly an arrow hit the stray hat of Shisui and it fell down.

Naruto cursed as he removed his hat and put it on Shisui. Shisui looked at Naruto and his eyes widened realising the look on Naruto's face.

Before Shisui could say anything, Naruto ran into the streets shouting. "Stay where you are Shisui. I'll take care of this."

Shisui sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. Even though Naruto doesn't have any feelings or emotions, there's one thing that didn't change in him. And that is he would never let anyone dear to him get hurt. They had noticed this when the topic of Kurama first introduced.

Shisui decided to stay back for now and step out when things get ugly. Besides, this would be a good battle experience for Naruto.

Naruto ran towards the ninjas.

"Wind senbon!" Naruto shouted. Few seconds later first and second raw of ninjas fell down with blood pouring out from small wounds.

Naruto was about to attack again when a sand barrier shielded the ninjas from Naruto. Naruto looked around and saw no one using sand.

Suddenly he heard a shocked voice from above. "Naruto! Is that really you!?"

Naruto looked up to see Gaara standing on a floating stand made of sand. He smirked.

"So you finally showed up! Gaara, the jinjuriki of one tail!"

To be continued...

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