Chapter 17

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"I hate humans. I find the thought that I'm from the same species to be depressing."


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No one's pov:

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No one's pov:

"After all, the reason I joined is to get stronger so I can destroy Konoha." Naruto left without waiting for the leader's reply.

He closed the door with a soft click.

"I cannot let you leave Akatsuki Naruto. If you try to leave, I'll have no choice but to eliminate you. I'm sorry Naruto. I hope you choose to stay while you're still part of the Akatsuki." Kakashi mumbled softly.

Outside the leader's room:

'Destroy Konoha?' Two people who were outside and happened to hear the conversation, thought.

They saw blonde exiting the room and called. "Naruto!"

Naruto turned around and his cold icy blue eyes met two pairs of shocked raven eyes.

"Who are you? How did you know my name?" His eyes fell on their outfits. "You're akatsuki too?"

"Oh! Pardon our rudeness. I'm Shisui Uchiha and this is Itachi Uchiha. We were once leaf shinobi too and were assigned to take care of you for four years before we fled from our village." Shisui said with a small smile.

"I-" Naruto was cut off by Itachi.

"What do you mean by destroying Konoha?" Itachi asked with urgency while Shisui had the urge to facepalm.

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Itachi and Shisui. I've heard about you. You two murdered your own clan except two or three and fled leaf village the same night to be rogue shinobis. While I was training with Jiraya I heard the word that you visited the leaf village one or two times with Kisame and fought some leaf ninjas."

"Your point, Naruto?" Itachi pressed on.

"For someone who has been a rogue ninja for quite some time and being a criminal and a traitor of leaf ninja, no, all the five great nations, you sure have a soft heart." Naruto's amused expression changed into a cold and eerie one that could put anyone on the edge.

"Tell me, Itachi. Why do you look so concerned about me destroying Konoha? Do you, perhaps, have lingering feelings towards the wretched place?"

Itachi and Shisui didn't say anything and kept their calm composure.

"Akatsuki's goal is to bring world peace by gathering all chakra beast and creating an ultimate weapon. The leader will use the ultimate weapon to bring fear upon the world. To reach that goal, Kakashi has made sure to gather people who have a heart of steel. So let me ask you something. What is your real goal?" Naruto narrowed his eyes.

"What our goals are, doesn't concern you." Itachi firmly said.

Naruto shrugged turning around walking away from the two. "Exactly. Why I am destroying Konoha shouldn't concern you. You are the enemy of the leaf. Don't worry I won't tell Kakashi anything about your reluctant behaviour. In return I want you to stay away from my business."

"After all" Naruto looked over his shoulder, "If you are a criminal, even if... it's against your wish, act like one. Don't show your emotions, that's a shinobi rule. If you don't follow the rule, you will perish."

Itachi clenched his fists. "Naruto..."

Shisui chuckled. "That kid's got a observant and sharp mind. He almost figured us out." His smile vanished.

"But he's right. We're a part of Akatsuki now. Let's keep our act together. There's no telling what Kakashi would do if he finds out about it. After all, he's merciless and killed many without regrets." Shisui looked at Itachi. "Don't worry. I'll try to talk to Naruto on our mission."

Just then, Zetsu appeared behind them. Black Zetsu said. "Kakashi-sama has summoned you both. He said it's important."

Shisui nodded as Zetsu disappeared into the wall.

Somewhere in the tall tower:

Naruto was going down the tall tower after discussing the upcoming mission details with the leader, Kakashi. Suddenly he felt a hand ruffling his hair. He looked to his side and saw Yahiko.

"Quit doing that. It's annoying." Naruto replied coldly as he swat the hand away.

The orange head sighed. Naruto stopped at the exit of the tower and looked up.
"It's raining heavily, as usual. Why does Kakashi make it rain non-stop despite being the leader of the land?"

"It's Amegakure after all. I heard Kakashi-sama uses a jutsu that makes it rain non-stop. If there's an intruder, he can immediately sense. He's Kakashi Hatake, the one who knows over thousands of jutsus. No wonder people of this nation see him as a God." Yahiko replied, smiling.

"Whatever. I couldn't care less what he does." Naruto stepped out into the rain.

Yahiko followed by holding an umbrella for both of them. "Say Naruto, why don't you smile like you used to anymore?"

"No reason. I find it rather useless to hide pain behind a smile. I'll just return the pain a hundred times, right back at them." Naruto said, his seal slightly glowing.

"Is it necessary to destroy a whole village for that Naruto?" Yahiko asked.

Naruto glanced at him. "You are a rougue ninja. You shouldn't be so soft or you'll perish."

Yahiko just looking at him with sympathy.

Ever since Naruto left the village and become an akatsuki three years ago, he has been training non stop to control and master the power of seal. However, mastering the seal came with a great price.

To control one's darkness, one must become the darkness.

The last shred of humanity left in Naruto disappeared as he completely mastered the power. He no longer has emotions. He no longer laughs. All negative emotions go straight to the seal even before he expresses it. Naruto decided to help out Akatsuki because he felt in debt to them.

The plan of Akatsuki was to get Naruto on their side. But the plan backfired because no one can control him. If they try to do so, Naruto might wreck chaos in his distress of being controlled.


The only way...

To stop him from....

Ruining their plans....

For peace of the world.....

If he ever tries to betray.....

And leave Akatsuki....

Is to........

.....KILL HIM.......

To be continued...

I want to tell you that I'm still watching Naruto shippuden and I'm only at the episode 134. So please wait if I take too long to upload... Thanks for reading and your support. See you in next chapter.

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