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[ lowercase intended. ]


the most absolute blast of the year.
i genuinely can't believe time has passed. in the next six days, another year will have gone. it has been a challenging year.
i'd say—pretty well. but i miss my mom, and especially Maddie. i have never spoken to them in over 8 months.
Christmas and New Year's would be incomplete without them.

i don't think i'll be celebrating, isaak isn't here, and it's always been like this.
i was all alone, despondent, and homesick.
i'm missing everyone.
i feel as if i've been imprisoned.

but i don't want to be sad right now because it's Christmas! so, to break the ice and all, i decided to call jules and lexi.
i've missed them so much that i'd like to spend the day with them.

facetiming The Trio<3...

while waiting, i went to get a snack in the refrigerator.

when i came back, it was lexi who answered the call first.




while me and lexi are in a middle of the conversation, jules joined the call.






"where's hayley?"

"oh she's with mom, you know, helping with the gifts and everything."

"you tell them merry christmas"

"sure sure"

"by the way guys, have you planned the day we'll hang out?"

"oh yeah that, what about 14th of January? sounds good?"


"oh heck yeah"


"gosh guys, i miss you both. it's so sad i'm all alone here," i weakly said.

"don't worry mackenzo, we're always here for you, you can call us if you feel like you're alone."

"i love you all." i said and pouted.

"i've got an idea. since you're alone right now, how about we three eat together while facetiming, bet?"

"how can you be so clever jules?"

"i know right"

"eh, such a small thing." she laughs.

we continued talking as we go eat together.
i'm so glad i have friends like them.

i went to text johnny and hayden after my facetime call with lexi and jules. of course they are, after all, my friends. why would i actually pay attention to isaak if he told me to stop talking to my friends?

can't i be friends with others as well? i don't feel like isaak owns me...i should have freedom too, which is why i'm always alone at home. i'm not even sure where he spent Christmas right now.


: hey guys merry christmas <3

: what's up mackenzie, merry christmas!

: hey kenz wanna play fortnite rn?

: oh hell yeah

: are you alone there again?

: of course

: the fuck? where's your 'arrogant cry baby' boyfriend? LOL

my gosh, ever since the incident where isaak took my phone to contact hayden. i was so embarrassed talking to Hayden again after what had happened. hayden is, however, correct. he might have been harsh and arrogant at the time, but he didn't have to be.

after all, hayden is a friend of mine.

: gosh hayden LMAO.

: i don't even know where isaak is

: bruh i told you mackenzie, you can just choose me. lol jk

: are you out of your mind hayden??

: oh, i forgot john was even here

: oh come on, why are you being harsh with kenzie's boyfriend?

: wait, you haven't told johnny?

: nah, johnny is so difficult to talk to, so annoying.

: fuck you dude

: lol, hayden and i texted one time and isaak saw it
: and the most embarrassing thing was

: isaak got mad at hayden because he was texting me 😐

: lmao, does your boyfriend have anger issues?

the moment johnny replied, i was stunned.
should i tell them?

: kenz?

well.. maybe not now.

: i don't think so, but it's okay, i told him that you guys are my friends

: like, is there something wrong with you being friends with us though?

: hayden's right
: you've known me first before he came into your life

and that is true. i mean, me and johnny have known each other since we were kids.

and i've trusted him ever since.

: i'll be back guys, talk to y'all later

: oh, okay
: take care mackenzie!

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