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[ lowercase intended. ]

3 days after the break up.


i was just lying in my bed, calmly watching netflix.
procrastinating once again.
is this really a heartbroken person's life?
i suppose that's the case....

then it occurred to me...
i need to call jules and lexi!
but i haven't told them yet.
well, i suppose now is the time.

facetiming The Trio<3...

a few seconds later, they answered my call.

"oh hey mackenzie!!"

"heyyy girls!!"

"how are you doing?"

"i'm doing great, how are you two?"

"we're doing great as well!"

"uhh guys— i gotta tell you something.."

"go spill them girl!"
"spill the tea"

"me and johnny... we broke up."

"w-wait what?"
"since when?"

"umm 3 days ago."

"oh no my poor kenz"
"what happened??"

"he told me he likes someone else...
and had lost the sparks between us..
and even said our thing isn't working out."

"that jerk!"
"what the heck is happening to him? is he crazy or something?"
"i know right! i know he's not going to hurt her that way!"

"but he did! jules, lex, was i not enough?
..i gave everything to him." i stated, with my eyes tearing up.

"oh no it's not your fault mackenzie.. don't ever cry for a boy like him!"
"true. he's such a jerk. i actually thought he won't hurt you."

"i thought so too...
i don't know already.
i will just wait for him no matter what happens."

"wha— are you out of your mind??"
"no mackenzie please, just no..."
"you have to think about yourself.."

"but it's all i could do.. what if he comes back??"

"you know he won't."
"even if he did, he doesn't deserve you kenzie."
"lex is right. you don't need to wait for someone who doesn't give you the love that you want and deserve!"

"but guys—"

"come on mackenzie, we your friends are here for you. just please give time for yourself, don't wait for him. he will always be a jerk."
"yes. take a rest kenz, you have loved so much, please leave some for yourself."

"i don't know what to say you guys—" i sobbed.

"we are always here for you okay?"
"we love you so much"

"i love you two, you're the best!!"

"let's have a sleepover soon!"
"oh heck yeah!"

did i ever mention that these girls are the most incredible person in my life??

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