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[ lowercase intended. ]



hayden has so far expressed his 'love' for me in two days.
and at the time,
he had made a concerted effort.
he would sing my favorite songs to me.
or maybe have a game with me,
but whenever i get to play with him,
johnny was always present.

hayden persuaded me not to tell johnny that he likes me.
he added that if he knew,
he would be absolutely livid.

these two are just hysterical.

hayden, on the other hand,
decided to ask johnny whether it was okay with him.
and what johnny said in response?
i know,
nothing unusual really; he constantly says no.
typical johnny.

as it always is, our group chat is active.
it's pretty damn awesome that the six of us are together, socializing and having a good time.

we even facetime now, although hayden is hesitant to expose his face.
he was shy.
yet, it is admiring.

but it seemed like johnny and hayden are fighting right now.
i'm not sure,
is it possible that it's simply about a game?
or it is about me?

i can't just presume though,
so i'll have to approach them.

i decided to first text hayden about what was going on between them.
he then explained to me that it is about how johnny treats him behind his back.
informing others how hayden is the kind that constantly flexes when it comes to gaming or other things.

however, that was not the truth.

i'm not sure why johnny is upset.
i'll attempt to contact him as soon as possible.
but for the mean time,
i need to be there for hayden first,
of course, as his friend.

nobody ever desired to be treated in that way.

additionally, interacting with hayden is fun and interesting.

he has taught me a great deal.

and it made me very ecstatic.

i've never had such a deep conversation with anyone before.

if you get what i'm saying.

something similar to life,


& time.

observing him these past few days has been incredible.

he's the type of individual i'd like to sit and talk with while admiring the stars at night.

that is to say, i wish we could do it right now.

it sucks, regardless of the pandemic.

but it's perfectly alright,

this suits me fine.

i also appreciate hayden's sympathy and understanding of my prespective.

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