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[ lowercase intended. ].


16th january.

the first 16 days of the year were incredibly draining.

isaak and i shared a New Year's Eve celebration. but after that, even when i told him i was exhausted, he continually asked me to 'make love' with him at night.
this has become a habit in the last several days.
and caused me to suffocate every time we did it.

isaak and i have been fighting a lot recently, and it's gotten a lot worse than before.
it makes me even more terrified.
he could harm me...

however, the plan that my girls and i devised two days ago worked out quite well!
i honestly don't know what to say.
however, spending time with them,
it's the same as it was originally.
the conversations i had with them,
it was absolutely phenomenal.

i'm currently preparing pasta for lunch.

my phone rang while i was waiting for my meal to be made.

it was a message sent over our group chat.

oh, they're active again?

i last spoke with these people on New Year's Eve. we simply exchanged greetings.
but it's understandable; they're undoubtedly spending the holidays with their families.


: yo
: @Mackenzie Ziegler
: let's play

it was johnny.

: i'll play later
: i have a good news though

: what is that?

: i'm cooking pasta

: no one cares

: shut up john

johnny and i continued to talk while having a good laugh.
by the way, i'm finished cooking and am currently eating.

we discussed a variety of topics, like how much does a Fortnite skin cost, my old crush, and even hayden.

i noticed hayden hadn't responded yet, so i decided to bring it up.

: yo hayden
: come on don't be shy
: why aren't you talking to us

: hello hello?

: yo hayden
: tell kenzie you love her

: NO


the discussion goes with us attempting to troll my old crush; now i see why johnny created the 'Lr Shadoww' identity.
he did that because he wanted to troll people.

this was perhaps the longest discussion i've ever had with these two idiots.

isaak arrived a few minutes later.
i was still sitting there, talking on the phone with my two friends.
i couldn't stop laughing and they're so ridiculous.

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