Chapter 3: Reflection

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The whole auditorium roared up with claps and cheers. After the showcase, Lee Suk went towards his office, Namjoon caught up with him and greeted him.

"Nice to officially meet you Mr. Kim Namjoon."

He said shaking the young hybrid's hand.

"Pleasure is mine sir."

Lee Suk gestured the Hybrid to walk along. Nervously walking with the man, Namjoon side glances the other staff, that were looking at him, like they have never since a hybrid before.

Lee Suk opened his office door and gestured Namjoon to enter and the latter did. He looked at the huge office of his mentor. The big glass windows where he could see the whole city. Lee Suk looked at the young hybrid, mesmerized in the view.

"Do you like the view kid?"

Lee Suk asked bringing Namjoon out of the view. The boy smiled shyly and nodded to which the man chuckled. He handed Namjoon a drink which he politely refused.

"My son, I know that all these views and applauds are fascinating and can make you feel like you own the world..."

Lee Suk leaned on his table and looked at the young hybrid with serious gaze.

"But all these are distraction. I want you to work towards making the world into a better place."

Namjoon nodded his head agreeing to the older man. That's what Namjoon always loved about Lee Suk, he always thought about people and their well-being.

"I won't let this distract me from my work."

Lee Suk smiled and they shake hands. After coming out of the office, Namjoon goes to his designated office. As he opened the door he found three young scientists sitting and chatting with each other. They stopped and stood up as soon as they saw Namjoon standing there and bowed to him.

Namjoon repeat the same action and smiled at them.

"I am Kim Namjoon, I will be leading the 'Hybridizer' project."

They all smiled and nodded their heads.

"I am Ha Aera, I will be handling the research of the drug."

The cat hybrid said with a smile to which Namjoon nodded.

"I am Park Kang-soo, I will be handling the testing of the drug."

She bowed again and then the tall boy next to her bowed to Namjoon.

"I am Choi Soo-bin, I will be assisting you during the whole process."

They exchanged more information on their education and position and prior experience.

News Station

Yoo Ra was rewatching the showcase, something about Lee Suk was not sitting well with her. Special the part where he introduced Namjoon to the whole world while the poor hybrid looked unprepared for.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Se-ri, she came with two cups of coffee. Yoo Ra thanked the girl for the same and continued watching the video.


Yoo Ra hummed in response still staring at the screen.

"Why are you watching this? It's been a long time since you are watching this... is there any problem with the video or did I do any mistake?"

Yoo Ra turned to her side to see worried Se-ri. Yoo Ra shook her head and smiled.

"No Se-ri, you didn't make any mistake."

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