Chapter 5: Joke

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Yoo Ra was waiting for the Namjoon as they planned to get lunch together. She knew, she was playing with the hybrid's feelings which was wrong for her righteous self but she couldn't get anything on MediCure if she doesn't proceed with her plan.

She was drawn out of her thoughts by a tap on her shoulder causing her to turn and see the hybrid behind her.

"Sorry I am late, was running some test runs... well you get it."

Yoo ra nodded as she smiled and they walked in the nearby restaurant. Yoora asked about his day and here and there before coming to the main question.

"Oh well, how is the work of Hybridizer project going on?"

Namjoon nodded at the question before answering.

"It's so-so... we are trying our best to find the cure... but you know not everything is done according to the plan."

He said has he wipped his hands to a napkin and then placing his hands on the table.

"So, is the drug tested on hybrids?"

Namjoon smirked at her question.

"Is your reporter instinct waking up?"

She was taken a bit back but covered it with a chuckle and shrugged her hands earning a heartily chuckle from Namjoon.

"We do test on hybrid, since it is a drug for us hybrids, so it should work on us but mind you they all have volunteered to this, no one is forced and any causality is compensated."

Yoora nod and give him a small smile. After the lunch they part ways, leading Namjoon back to his cubical. He freshened up and changed into his lab coat. He saw the room was empty, figuring that the kids were out for lunch.

He heard footsteps coming from far distance but coming to his way. Just as he guessed there was a knock on the door revealing So-man. The man gave a big fake smile to the hybrid causing him to smile.

"How is everything going so far?"

"Sadly, we didn't make any progress yet sir, as you know, hybrids' DNA is quite complex to deal with...."

So-man nodded understanding the hybrid's point and patted his back. They walked into the cafeteria to grab some coffee to keep them awake for the rest of the day. It's really hard to keep up work at afternoons.

Namjoon and Soo-bin were going through the drugs Lee Suk had given them to add into the Hybridizer. Soo-bin scrunched his nose due to the smell the drugs were giving off. Namjoon saw the boy shifting uncomfortably.

"Soo-bin? Are you alright?"

"Yes sir... just the smell of drugs is just too much to take in... it must be worst for you and Aera."

"Smell? But I am not getting any smell from it."

Soobin looked at Namjoon confused. The smell was really strong and unbearable for Soo-bin while hybrid were smell sensitive due to their animalistic genes.

"Anyway, Soo-bin, if you and Kang-soo feel uneasiness around these drugs, you both can keep your hands off this ones and anyway, I don't think these drugs are of any use in our experiments. Okay?"

"Yes doctor."

Leaving Namjoon alone, Soo-bin goes to the other side of the lab helping Kang-soo. Namjoon picked one of the drug and took small sniff but he still get any kind of oder from it. He kept the drug and turned around to see his team do their work. Something was not clicking well with Namjoon, something was there that couldn't be seen by the hybrid but felt it presences but what? Namjoon sighed as he looked down at the table.

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