Chapter 9: Life

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Few hours before Prime time
(Seoul high Laboratory of Science)

Yoora anxiously paced around the small lab waiting for her friend as she was testing on the drug brought by Yoora. The girl was growing more and more impatient as her friend was quiet for an hour now.

"Mina? Is it done?"

Mina turned around with a frown and shook her head and went back to her. Yoora sat down on the tall stool nearby. See looked around and saw the tall shelves with countless chemicals kept in big glass bottles with the name of each chemical name on it. As she turned her graze further, she saw a picture of Choi Lee Suk with the founder of the Laboratory.

Yoora gave an inaudible sigh as she could see and understand how deep rooted Lee Suk's influence in the science field. The man is awarded and rewarded with countless accomplishments. He was worshipped by the people and the government of Korea.

She was distracted by a loud sigh from her friend. Yoora walked towards Mina and placed her hand on the latter's shoulder, giving it a bit of squeeze.

"You alright?"

"What is this drug?"

Yoora frowned her eyebrows at her question.

"Aren't you supposed to tell me what this drug is?"

"Well I can't! This is something I haven't seen before..."

"What do you mean by that?"

Mina sighs and pick up the drug and place it under the microscope and gesture Yoora to look through it. She saw the grey substance move rapidly causing Yoora to gasp audibly.

"How is this moving rapidly?"

"That's my exact question! How is a immovable drug moving. And now that I have tested it every chemical found in this lab but dude this doesn't react to anything!"

"Calm down Mina! It's okay calm down!"

Mina took a deep breath closing her eyes before opening them to look at Yoora.

"I know I promised you I won't ask anything about the drug but I really need to know where did you find this drug from?"

"It's a... it's one of the component of the Hybridizer...."



"Don't Hey me! How did you get a hold of this? Did you break in? You know that's illegal!"

"Hey! I didn't break in, I got an access through it by my friend."

"And who exactly is this friend of yours?"

"You remember the wolf hybrid recruited for the project?'



"Wait... so he let you take this?"

"No I stole it when we were on a date... he had some work.. so.. anyway.."

Mina shut her eyes and rested her hands on her hip and sighed in disappointment.

"You used him?"

Yoora didn't dare to look at Mina as her head hung low in shame. Mina sighed and walked towards the girl and patted her shoulder.

"You look really ashamed of what you have done... Look Yoora, I know you since we were kids, you never do anything to hurt anyone intentionally, then why him?"

"Mina, I have a gut feeling, that... that he is in danger... or in fact every hybrid is in danger.."

Mina sighed and back hugged her dear friend, resting her chin on Yoora's shoulder.

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