Chapter 24: The Story of Us (Special)

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Seven months later

"Love! Have you seen my ID card?"

Yoora asked as she hurried her way through her chores. She was running late for her work. Though she was now a prime time reporter but she had important interviews lined up. Namjoon handed her the ID card causing her to happily peck his lips.

"You are worse than me!"

Yoora giggled at Namjoon's whine causing even the hybrid to smile. The pair had married a month ago in a small ceremony. Yoora worked her way to Primetime and Namjoon started teaching university students. The two grew closer with each passing time. From being comrades to lovers.

Gangnam-gu Police Station

Jackson was talking with his subordinates about the ongoing cases. There were few places where the crime against hybrids were increasing. After the revelation of Hybridizer, few mafia and gangs were illegally experimenting on hybrids. The increase in number was for sure concerning but thank to aware netizens and police officials, they were getting in control. Jackson turned around when he heard his fellow officer calling him.

"Officer Wang!"

"Yes Officer Seo, what's that?"

"Your presence is requested in Gwangju. There are few hybrids still missing that haven't been found."

Han River

The pair were riding the rental bike in the park, enjoying the evening breeze. Their simple yet romantic lives were filled with soft and sweet moments, giving Namjoon and Yoora a sense of slowly down after the hectic few months prior. Though the Hybridizer was out of the news already but people would immediately recognize the wolf hybrid.

The hybrid that brought down the King of medicine.

Yoora rested her head on Namjoon shoulder and wrapped her hands around his muscular arm. The two stopped in front of the small monument that was build in order to remember the two victims of Lee Suk. The pair paid respect and moved on.

Moving on wasn't that easy for Namjoon. Those scars and betrayal by his own idol. The man he had looked up to, the man he worship, his inspiration to get into medicine was now behind bars and Namjoon was responsible for that. We really never know who are behind those facades they hide behind.



"Don't think about him anymore. He cannot hurt anyone anymore. He is gone for good..."

Namjoon nodded and smiled at his wife. He pecked her nose and pulled her closer, snuggling under the blanket.

MediCure headquarters

The old building was shut down few months ago. So-man walked the halls of the building and stopped in front of Lee Suk's old office. The office was covered in spiderwebs and dust. He walked towards the chair and turned it around. He sat on the chair and looked at the few men in front.

"Get this place cleaned. We will start this medicine company from scratch... my company... GeneCare."

Namjoon and Yoora will Return in _

The Story of Us || Kim Namjoon Hybrid AUWhere stories live. Discover now