Chapter 15: Forgetful

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"Tonight we are in studio with the Founder and sole owner of Korea's biggest pharmaceutical company, MediCure."

Yoora introduced the man in front and the live audience applauded for him, which made Yoora scoff internally. But she maintained her facade.

"Thank you very much for joining us tonight at the live broadcast interview. To be honest we didn't expect you to actually reply to us... since you are busy with Hybridizer..."

Yoora stretched on the word making Lee Suk smirk at first and then clear his throat.

"Well, the pleasure is mine. Since many media reports have being very presumptuous, I thought it would be better if I brought the real deal in front of everyone. Isn't this why you are taking this interview in the first place?"

Yoora kept her smile on her lips as she heard his words. She understood that the man had come prepared for everything but that didn't faze her. She would get him into the trap.

"Since we are clear about it, why don't we just start from the missing hybrids case?"

"I have nothing to say on that except for that I am sympathetic towards the victims. That's all."

"That's all? Hmm... but we didn't even get into the real deal yet... Mr. Choi. My question to you is, were you aware about the science program that your company held?"

"Yes, yes I was. I had sent a special video message to the future generation of scientists."

"Why didn't you attend it in person?"

Lee Suk was taken a bit back on her question.

"I... I was a bit busy on that day."

"Busy? The Science Program was the annual event you never miss but yet you missed it on 21st July... and why is that?"

Lee Suk looked furious at first but soon calmed down and looked at his knees.

"It... it was my grandfather's death anniversary..."

The audience awed silently and whispered to each other on how cold hearted the report was but Yoora didn't mind that. She looked at her paper before speaking up again.

"Sorry to know that. I heard he was murdered. By a hybrid... and yet you are so sympathetic towards them."

This statement made Lee Suk snap his gaze at the girl while the audience gasped at the revelation and started talking among themselves before slowing down when Yoora spoke again.

"Let's talk about your grandfather. I heard and read so many of your interviews. Your reason to get into medicine was thanks to your grandfather, who wanted you to be in that field. Isn't it right?"

"How is my old man related to the missing hybrids?"

"I never said that he was... I was getting to know your grandfather a bit more. I heard he was the village head of your native village. He was also into hunting."

Yoora said as she looked at the big screen. The picture of young Lee Suk and his grandfather was shown with animal and hybrids carcasses displayed behind them. The image for sure made every viewer discomforted despite the images being blurred. Many viewers were shocked by this reveal. No one had dared to bring Lee Suk's past up in view but Yoora had it on display for the world to see the real Choi Lee Suk.

"I have changed now. I don't believe in that practice anymore."

"But I never said you ever did. Mr. Choi. Maybe it you who is being a bit presumptuous tonight."

The comment only added more fuel to the fire. The audience whispered among themselves making Yoora a bit more prepared for her next question.

"Let's talk about your new invention, Hybridizer. How did you come up with something that even Ayurveda or modern medicine couldn't do?

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