Chapter 14: Lonely

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Namjoon gets a call from Soobin to inform him that everyone from the team Hybridizer was fired that is expect for So-man to which Namjoon understood which side So-man had chosen.

The hybrid glances at the watch to see that it was already past 8 P.M. causing him to hurry up. The plan they formed three nights ago was simple but yet very dangerous.

Three nights ago

Namjoon, Yoora and Jackson were sitting in the living room where the latter had asked them to gather around. Jackson opened the file of the victim hybrid.

"There are fifteen young hybrids missing in the past three weeks. And finding one of them dead on Han River isn't something I expected.

And all of the evidence points to-"


Namjoon and Yoora spoke at the same time earning a firm nod from Jackson.

"The parents of these victims had the say testimony, they said that their kid was feeling uneasy on the day of the Science Program. When we asked few half-hybrids that attended the program, they said they could smell some disgusting smell in the hall but they thought it was just their super senses waking up."

"Did humans say the same?"

Namjoon asked being intrigued. If his theory is right than it would mean that the hall must be under the fumes from that which he couldn't smell but Soobin could.

"No. They didn't smell anything. Not even one."

Namjoon hung his head down before asking Jackson to continue.

"As I was saying, they all displayed discomfort, some said that they couldn't smell anything, some said their hearing got either impaired or dialed down.

We are yet to get the autopsy report to confirm but this one had lost his odour senses."

The term caused Namjoon's ears to stand in alert manner. He as lost them too which meant it was indeed related to the drugs.

"And when did all the victims started going missing?"

Yoora asked bring Namjoon out of his thoughts.

"Two nights later of the program. They all vanished on the same night."


"Yes, vanished. Some of them were still at home the night they went missing. When their parents came up to check on them... they were already gone."

"But how? I am pretty sure their parents must have heard something or smelled the perpetrator!"

Namjoon pressed on his words to which Jackson sadly shook his head.

"The parents themselves were shocked to find no scent or sound that night. And the victims rooms were also untouched. Even we didn't find any external fingerprints or footprints... it was like some kind of force just took them away."

Yoora sighed at the petty dead-end. How could fully grown teens vanish into thin air? There as to be some logic behind it.

"Did any of them go to a doctor after finding out about their sensory losses?"

Namjoon asked with a low voice to which Jackson simple shook his head. Being hybrids, they must have felt ashamed to go visit a doctor for sensory problems since that was something the were truly superior compared to humans.

"Yoora, did your friend say anything else other than what you have informed us?"

"No... her resources are limited and the DNA structures of the drugs seemed very complex compared to any other drug-"

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