Chapter 22: Seoul

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MediCure Banquet Hall

In few hours, Lee Suk was about to hold a press conference. Giving the world of hybrids a poison disguised as a lifeline. So-man was in vain. His heart beat was on highline as he thought about the countless outcomes of Lee Suk's madness. His licenses will be revoked and for sure, jailed. But he knew, the older man feared no one.

The banquet hall was in the chaos of arrangements. Lee Suk stood on the top floor of the same and watched everything that was going on below. A surge of sudden power and pride creeping into his veins. He felt he was now unstoppable. He would be the only savior of the mankind. He was distracted by his secretary who whispered something in his ear.

"Sir, as you suspected, the police raided our warehouse."

"They are very predictable."

The secretary nodded and was about to take his leave but Lee Suk called for him.

"What happened to Namjoon?"

"Sir, his whereabouts are still unknown but we are trying to track him down."

"No need for that anymore. I am going to win tonight anyway. He was just a lost cause. Concentrate on preparing for the testing of Hybridizer. Make sure that those hybrids are dead due to it."

"Yes sir."

Police Station

Mrs. Bong and Jackson the whole night working on the case. The unfortune of not finding the hybrid was eating the officers from within and the announcement of Lee Suk's press conference was just salt on their wounds. A junior officer came crashing towards the pair.

"Ma'am, the DNA results are in. The two furs as matched two victims from the missing case. Bunny hybrid, Min Chawoo and Bear hybrid Choi Mina."


"Yes ma'am."

"Get your team ready for a hunt. Get me those hybrids alive before we arrest him."

"Yes ma'am."

As Jackson was on his way out another officer made his way to the office.

"Sir, this dawn, three moving trucks were spotted traveling around Seoul. They all moved around in exact eight kilometers around MediCure's vicinity."

"Where are they now?"

"Near MediCure headquarters."

"Get the teams ready. I think we found the hybrids."

MediCure Banquet Hall

The hall was packed with journalists and press. The sound of cameras rolling and the whispers between the colleagues could be heard throughout the hall. Everyone present in the hall or sitting at home were waiting in anticipation for what was coming. Lee Suk was about to create history. Everyone praised the man on SNS, talking about how he was a true hero.

The panel members made their way to the hall and stood on the stage and bowed to the journalists and the netizens that were watching the live feed from home or work. So-man took the center stage while the rest of the members sat on their respective seats. The man took a deep breath before starting the event.

"Choi Lee Suk, a man of bravery. He never backed out of any challenge and never missed an opportunity to help those in need. The king of the medicine, Lee Suk is just an ordinary man... who... who had love and respect to everyone. And... and that love made him create a medicine for... hybrids."

So-man felt uneasy as he read lies written on the white sheet. He couldn't breathe but he had to go on. His minds two echos, one pleading to voice out the truth while the other just encouraged him to keep going. His inner conflict could be seen on his face but he regained himself and continued to read the lies.

"With even the most brilliant scientists couldn't achieve, Choi Lee Suk have made that possible. Without doing a further a due, please give a warm applaud to the Chairman and founder of MediCure, Mr. Choi Lee Suk."

The crowd roared in applauds and cheers as they saw the older man making his way to the stage. He took the center stage and bowed. So-man bowed to the older before aside from the podium and next to his colleague. Lee Suk too in the view, listening to the camera shuttles. It was his moment of glory.

"When I came to Seoul to build my company, I was just a young man with dream and passion. And today after fifty years later on this day, I can finally say that I have achieved my eighth symphony."

Lee Suk's voice echoed throughout the hall as his prideful words spilled out. The journalist were completely invested into Lee Suk's act that they failed to see a specific hybrid making his way to the front. He looked at the man on the podium, talking his talk.

"Yoora... it's show time."

Jung-gu, Itaewon & Hongdae

Three teams were dispatched to the three suspected locations. Jackson was in Itaewon and Mrs. Bong was around Hongdae. The Jung-gu team followed the truck but upon stopping the same, they found no traces of the hybrids. The two officers concluded that the hybrids will be in either of the trucks.

Team Itaewon lead by Jackson tracked down the truck with Mrs. Bong simultaneously doing the same in Hongdae. They halted when the trucks stopped on the road to exit the city. The dispatched teams met at the same spot and raided the trucks. After some back and forth with the drivers, Jackson opened the back shutter of one of the trucks and gasped. He saw the frightened gazes of the missing hybrids.

MediCure Banquet Hall

"The reason we are gathered here today is to make an official announcement. The Hybridizer is created and we will are ready for testing it."

Lee Suk announced with a huge proud grin on his lips. He looked at media's chaos of getting every single word said by the man. Just as he was about to brag about his accomplishments, he heard loud claps echo throughout the hall. Everyone in the audience turned around to find Namjoon clapping his hands as he walked forwards. He stopped right at the center and stared at the old man with his deep eyes.

"Congratulations sir. You finally made it."

Namjoon said it with a wide smile on his lips confusing everyone including Lee Suk. All the journalists started whispering among themselves. As far as they knew, Namjoon was supposed to be in police custody but here he was, showing his blissfulness towards the same man who sent him to jail. Namjoon slightly looked around a bit and faked a gasp.

"I am sorry... were you in middle of something?"

Lee Suk did not miss the sarcastic tone of the hybrid. He looked at few of his security guards and gestured them to take action to which they paced towards Namjoon and gripped him. The hybrid pushed the guards away causing them all to fall away on the ground shocking Namjoon and the rest at his sudden surge in strength.

"How the hell do you have a face to come here after you broke into my office? Get out of here before we take legal action on you!"

Lee Suk yelled almost losing his composure. Namjoon simply smirked before taking a step forward. He had his defense ready. He had nothing to lose. He was ready to set to Lee Suk on fire.

"Before I leave... shouldn't we talk about Hybridizer?"

So-man watched the hybrid with narrow eyes. What possibly could he have to go head to head with Lee Suk. The old man had enough while the media was already enjoying the hot take.

"Aren't you just creating scene? Mr. Choi threw you out of the project! That's why you are salty!"

One of the panel members stood up and mocked the hybrid to which Namjoon started laughing hysterically. He shook his head at the older man's indiscretion. Namjoon tsked at them and looked the man.

"I have nothing to say to you."

Namjoon turned around gracefully and looked at flashing lights of the cameras, ready to address to the nation. He took a deep breath as he stared in the center camera.

"Hybridizer is not a cure. Hybridizer is a weapon to annihilate the hybrids."

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