Chapter 13: Closer

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Jackson was going through all the evidence he had collected in investigation of the missing hybrids. He found out that majority of them went to the Science Program via college trips and some on their own. Some were each other's best friends and rest were strangers to each other. Jackson kept files on his table and picked up his leather jacket and walked out of his office.

"Officer Wang! Wait!"

Jackson turned around to find his subordinate followed him from behind.

"Sir... we found a dead body near Han River... it is one of the missing hybrids."

Jackson ran back inside the police station to find the place turned upside-down. Everyone was hustling their ways, some answering calls while some getting ready to leave to the crime scene which Jackson joined.

Reaching the crime scene, which was currently flooded by reporters and netizens having their own take on the situation. Jackson saw the male goat hybrid laying dead on the bank of the river. The medical team examined to find any external injuries before taking the body for an autopsy. Jackson asked his subordinate to inform the victim's family. He walked near the place where the dead body was, he tried to search for any evidence but it seemed like it was all washed away from the scene. He walked away from the crime scene. A voice stopped him causing him to turn around to find Yoora.

"I am not here as a report but as a friend."

Jackson chuckled before shaking his head and looking at her amusingly.

"You can fool my friend but no me. I don't trust you."

"But you do trust your friend, don't you?"

Yoora covered the distance so that their conversation was just between the two and not heard by anyone else.

"Namjoon came to visit me. He wanted to do an interview to expose Lee Suk."

Jackson groaned in frustration. When he had told him to be prepared, he didn't mean to go to the journalist.

"And you let him didn't you?"

"That's where you are wrong. I told him off. Even I know what consequences he could face after that."

"Then why come to me?"

"I need your help. I believe if we work together, we might be able to stop all of these. Now we have no evidence on Lee Suk."

"I can't tell you anything since it's a ongoing investigation."

Yoora sighed in defeat, she understood that he had his orders too.

"And I can't definitely tell you that, all the hybrids that attended the Science Program were being exposed to a certain chemical which has no effect on human and half-hybrids."

"How do you know this?"

"Due to safety reasons I can't tell you their personal information but half-hybrids are afterall hybrids too..."

Yoora understood Jackson's hint making her nod and pace away from the scene. Jackson made his way to his fellow officers.

"Sir, the name of the victim is Ji Woo-jin, age nineteen."

Jackson nodded at the information, taking the tablet and going through the file of the victim. Jackson sighed in sadness that he couldn't save the hybrid. Jackson pulled out his cellphone and called Namjoon.

The doorbell rang making Namjoon open the door and find Yoora on his doorstep. She smiled at him to which he half-heartedly smiled back, letting her in. Jackson had asked the hybrid to call her to their apartment, he said he had something very important to talk about. Namjoon offered the girl coffee which she accepted. The two sat in an awkward silence which was eating both of them. Yoora decided to take the first step.

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