(xv) i'd follow you to the ends of the universe

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As soon as it's over, as soon as that pesky event is out of your hair — and you've exchanged mildly pleasant goodbyes with Akira — you take out your phone to relay the events of the night to Akane.

(You smile at the mere thought of Akane — what a wondrous thing love is, isn't it?)


YOU (11:46 PM)
Hello, Akane. I hope you have eaten.

AKANE <3 (11:47 PM)
yupppp !!! i made dinner 4 myself
n then i made dessert :D !!!!
apple pie !! was p sweet <3
not as sweet as you tho ;)

YOU (11:49 PM)
It is good that you've eaten, then
Food is quite important. I'm glad you're healthy.

AKANE <3 (11:49 PM)
awwwww <33333 did my goddess get a tad flustered <333 aaaaaa
ur so adorable ahdjshdksbfms i WILL die

YOU (11:49 PM)
Please do not die.

AKANE (11:50 PM)
i wonnnnnt !!! i'll only die when ur out of my life love <3 cant go dying on the cutest girl in the world can i. i cannot !!!!!

YOU (11:51 PM)
I love you too.
Regardless of my status, please do live a good life. That is the best possible outcome. It would make me happiest to know that you are happy and well, no matter what.
Additionally, I believe you are the cute one.

AKANE (11:51 PM)
ur literally such an adorable dork
ahdhskfjskfn adorkable
i love my adorkable goddess i have won at life

YOU (11:52 PM)
It is quite late, I do think you should sleep. It is very important to get the necessary requirements of rest.
Please do sleep well.

AKANE (11:52 PM)
awwwww but i wanted to talk to you :((
i'll dream of u i promise
<3 night my goddess sweet dreams

YOU (11:53 PM)
Rest well, my Akane.
I am eager to see you soon as well.


That exchange leaves you smiling a little unconsciously. It feels like flying, really. Usually indulgences are for the weak, but for some reason you feel alright being weak in front of Akane. For some reason, being weak in front of Akane really only makes you feel strong. Something about it is so very warm and comforting, a gentle lull, a calming caress — it feels like cinnamon-sweet childhood and a glass of melty hot cocoa. Something about it tugs at the back of your head, some corner of information long sealed behind iron-clad doors. You could've called it déjà vu, or maybe you would've if you weren't so sleepy. Your pillow is soft and inviting, cool and snug — drifting off isn't an issue tonight. Perhaps that charm of Akane's is quite literally magical, after all.

You're so tired, you don't notice SOMETHING by your window as you lapse into slumber. It flees with the sunrise, scattering away with the last beads of moonshine. You forgot it.

Blood Bouquet: Yandere Boys x Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now