(xxi.ii) the kitschy and the beloved

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You look up at Rantaro, running your eyes. Your head seemed to be throbbing a little, which he noticed pretty much immediately, rushing to offer you his water bottle. How sweet.

"Drink," Rantaro said, practically shoving the bottle into your hands. "It's not good to forget to drink water, you know. Studies are important, but you have to remember to take breaks."

You roll your eyes at him. It isn't the first time you've heard something like this— and it certainly won't be the last. You will keep pushing yourself and Rantaro will keep scolding you. That's how it's always been...right?

As you practically chug the water down (you were thirsty, he wasn't wrong about that), you see Akane out of the corner of your eye and wave at her. She blushes softly and shies away from your gaze as she waves, but then steels her nerves to smile back at you. Cute.

You don't miss the way Rantaro grinds his teeth at the exchange. You don't comment on it either. There are lines you don't want to cross.

Your moments with both Akane and Rantaro are fleeting, as they're soon dragged off by their respective groups of friends that seem to double as admirers of some sort. the people you love aren't only loved by you, clearly. But you, it seems, are alone in the adoration you recieve— how pitiable.

Something about that dichotomy doesn't seem to sit right by you, but you don't get the time to think about it too deeply. The bell rings, and time flows forth— you rise from your seat to head to your next class. The teacher rushedly finishes their sentence, and you catch the tail end of it as you disappear into the corridor, trying to evade the crowds before they form.

Of course, crowds are one thing. People are another; you can't really avoid the stragglers or the slackers, there will always be someone in the halls. And lo and behold, that's exactly how you (with your head in the clouds) distractedly bump headalong into...

"...ah! I'm...I'm so sorry! A-Are you...alright?!"

...Kaito. It's not a bad meeting— a fellow loner, of some sort, at least. That meant there wouldn't be any people to follow you around. (Except, perhaps, Akira— but a quick glance around confirmed that he wasn't in earshot, at least.)

You nod your head. "I'm fine," you say. "It's not like you weigh much— if anything, I should be worrying that you didn't crack a rib in the process."

Kaito rolls his eyes. "Ah...well...I must thank you for your concern, but...I am q-quite fine." He lets out a soft, good natured laugh, and you think it's a little bit of a shame that he's so timid— with the way his voice lilts gently and the way the sunlight catches his hair like spun silk, he'd be a real catch. If anything, he's easy on the eyes, at least.

He tilts his head to the side, bangs falling out of his eyes to look at you, a question clearly struggling to find it's way to his lips.

"You can ask, you know," you say to him, point-blank. "I can't promise I won't get mad, or something pointless like that, but I will not judge you for the act of asking."

At that, Kaito laughs. Not a small or soft giggle, not a light chuckle— but what is practically an invisible chortle, doubling over, his cheeks flushing as his mouth crinkled with glee. You didn't get what was so funny...but you think it's nice to see him laugh like that.

"...ah..." he says, still flushed. "...I just...wanted to advise against eating lunch outside today, that's all."

You look at him, quizzical, but before you can get the question out, he's already gone. Like a mouse...he really is quick to appear and quick to disappear.

It seems weird to you that he just provided no explanation as to why you should or shouldn't be eating inside or outside, so you don't really have to listen, do you?

...you can always choose to do the opposite, just to see what would happen.

A/N: THATS A CHOICE !!! YOU HAVE A CHOICE !!! feel free to comment go outside / don't go outside / anything else you can think of. this is on YOU babeyyyy !!!

anyways. been forever again but it's always like that i fear. i've got the life of an ao3 author i swear but i do NOT have the updating schedule of one. however. i come bearing compensation gifts.



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that is all hooray WOOHOO love you goodbyeeee !!!!!!!! feel free to say anything because i usually read as many comments as i can

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that is all hooray WOOHOO love you goodbyeeee !!!!!!!! feel free to say anything because i usually read as many comments as i can. ESPECIALLY on a/ns SO. yes. wow. awesome. ok bye.

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