(ii) just a little bit of your love has me craving all of you

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The teacher calls on you while you're busy taking your self-assigned test. You stand up from your seat, walk up to the board, grab the piece of chalk and solve the problem quickly. It's not particularly hard now, you've drilled yourself on hundreds of these kinds of questions till you can solve them flawlessly.

You walk back to your seat and continue with your test, lamenting the time you wasted.

Rantaro has his gaze on your form, his eyes full of fondness, full of a happiness you've never seen before.

You look at him and raise an eyebrow.

He shakes his head, motioning for you to continue with your work. You roll your eyes and comply. You sigh, if Rantaro is as disinterested in class as you are, you'd think he'd skip. You certainly would, if you could. But no, if you wanted to achieve your dream, you'd have to abide by the education system.

"Hey," Rantaro says. "Wanna go get coffee after school?"

You answer without skipping a beat. "Don't you have a confession to reply to?"

"Dang it!" He exclaims, loud enough for the teacher to look at him.

"Mr. Rantaro," she says. "Are you feeling quite alright?"

"Sorry," he says, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

The class giggles and even you have to admit, he's pretty cute. He's rather adorable when he's childish, in a way that captures the hearts of most. It's a comforting sort of aura.

You like it.

"So," Rantaro whispers, a cheery smile on his face. "After it goes down?"

You roll your eyes. "Sure."

Rantaro looks particularly happy with this turn of events and beams at you. You smile back, and turn back to your paper. You finish it rather quickly after that, and leave immediately when class is over. You don't have to look behind you to know that Rantaro's following you.

"Don't you want to eat lunch with someone else?" You ask.

"I don't want to anything if it's not with you!" Rantaro says, pouting.

You shrug, shaking your head at him. Truth is, you don't really mind his company. He's sweet and funny, but you also think he's being particularly clingy.

"Rantaro," you say. "You really should mingle with other people, you know?"

"Yeah," he says, sighing deeply. "But I don't want to."

"Sure you don't." You say, sarcasm rolling off your tongue like second nature.

Rantaro smiles and jumps at you, hugging you tightly. Startled, you barely manage to hold on to your lunchbox and give him a whack on the head. He doesn't relent, continuing to hold you close, hugging on to you like you were life itself. It was kind of annoying that he wouldn't let you go, though.

"Let go," you said, trying to push him off of you.

"I don't wanna," Rantaro mumbles into your school blazer. "m' gonna stay here for five more minutes."

"Oh, shut up." You say, and shove him off.

"Ouch!" He lets out an audible grunt as he hits the ground and turns back to look at you, mock betrayal in his eyes.

"You've wounded me!" He exclaims, dramatically wiping away a non-existent tear. "I don't think my heart can withstand such betrayal."

"You're such a drama queen," you say, yanking a lock of Rantaro's silky hair. "If you wanted to join the drama club's production of Romeo and Juliet, you should have gone for auditions."

Blood Bouquet: Yandere Boys x Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now