(xix) what goes around, comes around

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"...what a wild imagination you have there, Rantaro..." 

Kaito's soft snicker is only slightly less insulting than how he looks at Rantaro. Even if Rantaro knows he's right, the oppressive air that hangs around Kaito really could convince him otherwise. Rantaro knows he's got it, he's got the right answer-- but Kaito stares at him like he's a fool, and for a moment, he believes he is. 

Rantaro scoffs. "How rich, coming from you."

Kaito waves his hand like he's dismissing him, and Rantaro opens his mouth to interject-- but his mouth is covered with a firm hand. Akira. He hisses, trying to bite the hand in an attempt to shake it off, but the glove that Akira wears staves his teeth from puncturing the skin. 

"Coward," Rantaro hisses, though the word is entirely muffled by Akira's hand. 

Kaito smiles. "Now, now...don't be mean to him. Akira's never done anything to you, has he?"

Rantaro wants to scream at the world's second-most infuriating man, and maybe smack him once too for good measure, but it's practically impossible with the way he's being restrained. Akira hasn't done anything to him, sure, but the list of people he has done things to makes Rantaro shiver just thinking about it. Maybe it wasn't entirely out of his own will, sure, but Rantaro has a good idea of whose will it was, and he's not safe from it whatsoever. 

Kaito sighs. "Awww, Akira, don't manhandle him like that. He's our friend, isn't he? A friend of (Y/N)'s is certainly someone we want to keep very, very close, yes?"

Akira lets go, but leans on the door, blocking the exit. He stares at Rantaro, and Rantaro glares right back. He's scared, Akira's very gaze instinctively sets his fight-or-flight response off, but he'd never back down when the stakes were so high. 

"She's so lovely, isn't she?" Kaito says with a soft laugh. "Fascinating, to say the least. She's quite amicable-- not in the conventional definition of the word, by any means, but it's a personality that I quite adore."

Rantaro can hardly stave the way his face instinctively grimaces as Kaito talks about you. It makes him feel horrid, and he hates the way it makes him want to throw up. The way Kaito smiles gently when talking about you, his cheeks dusted with a soft pink in a way Rantaro has never thought was possible of him, it makes him sick to his stomach, and it burns. It burns so badly. But Rantaro refuses to give him the satisfaction of his incensed response and looks away instead. He watches the corners of Akira's eyes harden. 

Kaito fans himself delicately, his eyes sparkling with intrigue. "Oh, and she's so incredibly intelligent, isn't she? She's truly brilliant. I wonder what kind of experiments she has stewing in there...someone like her can't truly despise humanity the way she likes to portray herself. There's an inherent fascination with those incorrigible to you, isn't there? An underlying, gruesome interest in the world that is spun by those weaker. Even the gods found entertainment in the actions of the ants that we must be to them-- so I wonder what she thinks of humans, really. Though, I suppose the side of her that buries her feelings is quite amazing as well."

"Freak," Rantaro spits out, scathing venom in his voice. "You're crazy if you think I'm gonna let you and your insanity anywhere around her. Don't project your messed-up god complex onto my best friend."

The room is silent for a minute...and then Kaito giggles. "...best friend, hmm? So you're going to simply let this pass as is. How unlike you, Rantaro. How very unlike you indeed."

Kaito waves to him, a gentle smile on his face, and Akira lets him out. Rantaro takes the opportunity to hightail it out of the freakshow back there and runs until he can find open air. The greenery is a welcome sight. Anything but Kaito's soft smile that seems to see right through him is a welcome sight.

Meanwhile, Akira looks at Kaito questioningly. "You let him go."

"I did," Kaito responds, nodding his head. "Are you surprised?"

"Yes," Akira says frankly. "After all the work and shit, he wants to duck out now? And you're gonna let him? Doesn't make a lick of sense to me."

Kaito hums softly. "You'll see, Aki. You'll see soon enough."

"I know," Akira says gruffly. I just wish you would tell me things sometimes, he adds in his mind.

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