(iv) it's incredible just how my name spilling from your lips sounds so divine

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You walk to the stage, not particularly scared or excited for what's about to happen. Rantaro notices you and runs towards you, arms wide, and envelops you in a tight hug. You can hear his heart beat rapidly and attribute it to the practice he must have been doing.

You couldn't be more wrong in your assumption, but you don't know that.

Alice waves the two of you over, and you comply, grabbing Rantaro'a hand and pulling him towards where Alice is seated.

"Ah, how lovely!" He says, beaming from ear to ear. "You decided to audition after all!"

"Isn't it great!" Rantaro adds, chiming in. "She'll make a wonderful Juliet, right?"

Alice gazes upon you face, his eyes lovingly caressing every crease and line in it. His gaze is filled with pure wonder and admiration.

"Indeed," he says, sighing. "You'd make a most gorgeous Juliet, cupcake!"

"Oh," you say, clocking your head to the side. "I'm not auditioning for Juliet."

Both males let out a shocked gasp.

"I'm auditioning for Romeo." You say.

"Two can play at that game," Rantaro says, being the first to snap out of his stupor, a playful smirk spreading across his face. "I'll be auditioning for Juliet, then!"

"You know what?" Alice says, taping his pen against his chin thoughtfully. "With your pretty hair and long eyelashes, this could actually work out!"

Alice climbs onto his chair, and after realising he's still pretty short, climbs onto the desk. He waves a hand gently in the air to draw attention to himself, and begins to speak only when all eyes are on him.

"Can all people auditioning for lead roles split up into girls and guys?" He says, poking a finger into his cheek. "Actually, lets just go with bass-tenor and alto-soprano as groups if your gender identity is fuzzy!"

The group splits up rather evenly and auditions proceed. You find yourself lounging in a seat by Alice, listening to his soft mumblings about the hopeful actors on stage. He doesn't seem particularly pleased with them, his plump lips turned up in a pout. His pinky finger reach up to fiddle with his dangling cross earring, twirling it around subconsciously. His other hand lightly holds a pastel pink pen, gently laying it on his slightly parted lips. The pen bounces softly on them, casting a slight shadow, and with a start, you realise he's wearing light pink lip gloss.

"She's not selling it enough," he mumbles. "She has to be in love with him, completely obsessed with him!"

You look at the actress, she's delivering her lines decently, but you wouldn't expect much from people auditioning for a school play anyways.

"She's not," you say, because you do agree that if this were a real play, no one would be absorbed in the performance. "It is a school play after all."

Alice turns to you with fire in his eyes, a burning passion that makes your heart flutter and your pulse stutter. It's uncharacteristic, but it's way better than the one you know.

"That's no excuse," he says, eyes alight.

The intensity of it sends a tingle down your spine straight to your stomach. It's a warm, electric feeling. You like his unrelenting passion, his unwavering ambition.

"That's beautiful." You say, a smile making its way to your face.

Alice's eyes widen, then melt into a wide, beautiful, perfect smile, with almost practiced ease. His cheeks are rosy.

"You could just make them say one or two lines," you say gesturing to the failing couple on stage. "Just be honest and send them off."

"I'm not going to be mean!" He says huffing, his cheeks puffing out.

Blood Bouquet: Yandere Boys x Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now