(v) don't ever let go, never ever, i'll hold onto you for forever

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Alice grabs you hand and looks at you with stars in his eyes. His gaze is gleaming, he's looking at you like you are his everything, and in some twisted way, you are slowly becoming so.

Alice latches onto your hand and throws his arms around you, practically squealing in excitement.

"That was beautiful!" Alice says, cheerily, beaming wide. "I can't believe I haven't seen you around."

You raise an eyebrow at him. "We go to the same school, so that seems rather unlikely."

"Oh, no!" He says, waving his hands rather quickly to clarify his mistake. "I meant in the entertainment industry!"

You tilt your head, raising an eyebrow at the rose-tinted boy.

"I'm part of an idol group," he says, sheepishly rubbing the nape of his neck. "It's called 'WONDERLAND', and there were 4 of us! Funnily enough, even though Alice was my stage name, it's my actual name as well!"

Alice brings a hand up to cover his mouth and giggles softly. He pushes a stray strand out of his face and behind his ears, before extending a pristine gloved hand to you, both his eyes fixed on you.

You look at his hand, then back at his face. "You refer to your group in a past tense."

"Ah," Alice says, rubbing the nape of his neck sheepishly, his smile never faltering. "We broke up this summer, but it's cool now, we're all continuing to pursue the things we love!"

"Isn't that right," Alice giggles cheerily, turning to Rantaro and poking his cheek. "Ran-chan here was such a good back-up dancer, too!"

Rantaro's right eye twitches, almost imperceptibly. But he grins, throwing his head back in a laugh.

"I was better than all of you losers put together," Rantaro says, pushing a stray stand of hair behind his ear. "Though, one thing I probably can't top is Alice in that fluffy Lolita dress!"

Alice's entire body goes stock-still. You're not even sure he's breathing. What's kind of impressive, but mostly creepy, is the fact that he's still smiling.

"Heh," Rantaro chuckled, side-eyeing you. "Got him good, right?"

You don't particularly care for his feeble attempt at distracting you from the topic at hand, so you push forward with the question you were going to ask. Though, not without safely storing away the information that Alice had worn a frilly Lolita-style dress before.

"You were an idol," you say, staring fixedly at Rantaro. "In Alice's group, nonetheless."

Rantaro's face pales before he admits defeat with a huge sigh. He averts his rapidly flushing face from your gaze, and waves his hands frantically to correct any negative image that might have been created.

"Listen, it was-"

"Interesting," you say, cutting him off, after all, you still had to finish your sentence. "But I'm...impressed."

Rantaro's eyes fly wide open, he jumps, surprised.

"Oh," he says, blushing furiously. "Really?"

"In a sense," you say, placing a hand on your cheek. "Alice is a rather renowned figure in the entertainment industry, from what I've gathered, and he doesn't seem to be particularly fond of badly done work."

"I-" Rantaro stutters. "Uh, that's pretty neat."

You hear a chuckle from backstage and turn to see Kaito, his slender fingers stifling his laughter. Akira face seems as angry as ever, but there's a glimmer of amusement that flickers in his eyes.

Blood Bouquet: Yandere Boys x Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now