(x) it's amazing, knowing i'm breathing the same air as you

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Akane finds it quite curious just how fast Rantaro scampered off. She knew exactly what would be going on in his mind right now, she'd provoked him pretty well, if she did say so herself. Kaito smiles and she rolls her eyes at the boy.

"Don't act like you had no fun tormenting him," Akane said, staring pointedly at Kaito. "As if you'd pass up a chance to do that."

"I really wasn't trying this time," Kaito said, sighing. "I swear, I didn't really put much effort into it."

"You're the child prodigy here," Akane huffed. "You don't put much effort into anything."

"That I don't," Kaito admits, shrugging. "But why put in more effort than necessary? It's just a waste of resources."

"It's all the same to you," Akane says.

"You've never needed to be cautious of your resources," Kaito says, staring off into the distance. "They were never limited in the first place."

"Kaito," Akane says, sighing. "I've told you multiple time, you and anyone you wish is welcome at my estate. It is practically your house."

"I don't need handouts," Kaito says. "But thanks. I appreciate it."

"You know how the hierarchy works here," Akane says. "You could have anything if you just asked. You're head and shoulders above everyone else, you're the student council."

"I know," Kaito says, smiling. "I'm just waiting for the right moment to make them an offer they can't refuse."

"Ah," Akane says, smiling. "That sounds lovely."

"What sounds lovely?" You ask. Akane turns to look at you with surprise, not knowing you'd woken up. She grins at you, cheeks flushed.

"Oh," you say, yawning. "A student council thing. You won't skin me alive for not having a card, right?"

"Of course not!" Akane yelps, frowning. "We would never! That is not the required procedure for these situations!"

"Besides," Kaito says, drumming his fingers on the table. "You're playing your part, aren't you? A perfect cardless doesn't stand out! And you're perfect!"

"Exactly. The student council has no qualms with the cardless," Akane says. "That is a common misconception. The student council does, however, have problems with those who do not abide by their roles."

"Ah," you say, mentally filing away the information for later. "Am I allowed to ask what your card is?"

"Yes, of course," Akane says. "There really is no one here who can use it against me, really. I'm the queen of hearts!"

You take a sip of your coffee, and smile. "You took that card far too literally, huh?"

Akane's eyes widen dramatically, and she nearly chokes. Her face goes bright red as she stammers and stutters her way through what might have once been a comprehensive sentence.

"Oh, wow," Kaito says, raising an eyebrow. "You broke her composure. I'm surprised. I know you worked her up, but I never knew she could be pushed so far. It's quite commendable, honestly!"

The door to the cafe is practically thrown open, and you hear a low growl.

"Kaito," someone says. "There you are."

You look up to see Akira standing in the doorframe, arms crossed. He taps his foot impatiently, scowling.

"Akira," Kaito says, brightening up instantly. "If you keep scowling like that, you're going to get wrinkles!"

Akira rolls his eyes. "I'm here because Alice called us to a meeting and neither you nor Rantaro showed up."

"Oh no!" Kaito says, blinking rapidly. "Is that the time already!"

Blood Bouquet: Yandere Boys x Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now