(xi) there is nothing in the world that i could want more than you

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Akane walks you home, and, thankfully, your heart seems to calm down considerably in the silence that follows the...kiss. It doesn't help that you can still feel her lips on your skin, and that there's this tingling just beneath your skin. It's a new feeling, but not a bad one, you conclude.

Akane doesn't talk much as you walk back, she simply sings under her breath and points out things that she thinks are beautiful. You nod in acknowledgement to her words, not finding the right way to say anything, really. She doesn't seem to mind, sending rosy-cheeked smiles your way. When she drops you off at your house, she gently brushes her lips against your knuckles before telling you to meet her for lunch tomorrow. You can barely manage an 'okay', but she grins like you just gave her the world anyway.

You're frozen in place, watching dazedly as she leaves before finally remembering to grab your keys from your bag and unlock your home, which is empty as usual. You're thankful for that, you don't think you could collect yourself enough to deal with your parents right now.

You lock the door behind you sand head to the kitchen to prepare for dinner. Your parents had mentioned they'd be bringing guests over later, and though you weren't sure how much later, there was nothing wrong with being prepared. They'd also be extremely angry with you if sufficient preparations weren't made, and you really didn't want that. Especially not since you had to meet up with Akane tomorrow. You figured you'd be able to cook a four-course meal on your own, but with another set of hands, the number could double. You sigh and ring up Rantaro, who picks up immediately, as expected, and explain what's going on, and he's at your doorstep in two minutes.

He announces himself with a loud whoop and continues, "I'll cook up the best meal they've ever tasted if you give me a kiss!"

"No." You say, shutting him down immediately.

"Aww man," he says, sighing. "Worth the shot."

You sigh. "Did you honestly think that there was even a chance that it would work?"

"With you?" He says. "Not a chance. Doesn't mean I can't try!"

"You never change." You say, shaking your head.

You set off to work after that, mostly in silence, but you do catch Rantaro humming ever so often. He seems rather embarrassed when you catch him, so you avoid pointing such things out and continue to work. After a while, the two of you had managed to cook up a delicious, 10-course meal. It took you hours, but it's definitely delicious.

After the two of you finish playing the food, Rantaro looks you up and down.

"You're not going to be looking like this, right?" he says. You don't respond, so he tries again. "Right?"

You raise your eyebrows at him.

He blinks in shock, and then groans. "Of course you would think that's okay, if there's one thing you don't understand, it's fashion."

He grabs your hand and drags you up the stairs to your room and throws open your wardrobe.

He lets out a low whistle. "Damn, that's a lot of dresses you've got there! Pity you don't wear any of them, really."

"They're uncomfortable," you mutter. "They're all long and I can't move a lot in them. It's very inefficient."

"Okay, fair," Rantaro says, nodding. "But this is literally a dinner party, you don't need to move much. Also your parents hate when you aren't, you know, pretty."

You sigh. "You don't need to dance around the issue, it's alright. I live with them."

Rantaro smiles at you, and you sigh. He turns back to your cupboard and rummages around for a bit, before turning back to you with an outfit in his hands.

You thank him and change into it, grateful for his help.

It's a long black silk dress with full-length sleeves that are puffed at the shoulder. It's simple, but when Rantaro gives you matching jewellery and a little bit of makeup, it looks pretty good. He lets your hair fall in loose curls, and put a silver hair clip to stop them from falling in your face. Even you have to admit that you look cute.

Rantaro takes a moment to admire his work and grins wide, clearly proud of himself. "Woah, angel, you look stunning." He says.

"Yeah, it's not like you picked out everything or anything," you say, smiling.

Rantaro giggles before checking the clock. He gasps, and realises that your parents would be home any second.

"Bye, angel!" He says with a wink, and hurries out the door. You wave back and tell him to take care. You see him out and then wait downstairs for your parents arrival, practising your best feminine voice, raising it an octave should be okay, you think.

It doesn't take long before your parents arrive, and you're at the door before they ring the doorbell. You open the door and curtsy, saying a polite 'welcome back'.

"Hello, dear," your mother says, crossing over the threshold of the house. "I have someone I'd like you to meet."

Your father nods, following her. "He's the son of the Ryonosuke corporation, and is a fine you heir indeed."

You look beyond your parents to the couple behind them, and curtsy to them, bowing low.

"Good evening," you say, before lifting your head. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

The mother offers you a kind smile while the father offers you a curt nod. They step aside to reveal their son and you're rather surprised to see that you recognise him.

Even though his once red hair is now black and neatly done, there's no mistaking the dull gleam of the boy's emerald eyes. This was the last place you'd expect him to be, with that delinquent like attitude and status, you'd presumed he was more of a rebel.

It really was Akira, though.

ooooo it's him!!

hi hi~ updates have just,,, not appeared recently and i'm so sorry for that :(( but my mental health has taken a nosedive and i just really can't find the energy to do anything. i might write a bit, but expect shorter chapters, if any.

again, i'm sorry :((

Blood Bouquet: Yandere Boys x Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now