(xiii) you are the light that brightens my day

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Akira is as red as his hair, and even under the sparse glimmer of the moonlight, you can recognise the splash of colour on his cheeks. Ah...it is indeed the flush of love that he wears.

You smile at him. It has barely been any time since you've met Akane, but she already holds a special place in your heart. Something about her...just is drawn to you, by an inexplicable string of fate, perhaps.

You pull out your phone and text Akane, telling her about the situation. She pauses for a moment, before finally replying.

'Why don't we all run away together?'

You are surprised. Who'd have known things would turn out like this...but running away would mean giving up your life of comfort, trading it for constant uncertainty - for barely anything. But it means keeping your love.

It seems preposterous, irrational, even. And since when have you been irrational? Never, that's when. You were perfect in every way, and you didn't let your emotions take a hold of you - or did you?

You lean on the railing and take a deep breath to calm your nerves. Could you really do this? Would you really do this? It seemed insane.

Akira places a reassuring hand on your shoulder, noticing your discomfort.

"Hey, it's okay-" He says, smiling softly. "You don't have to come with, you know. Leaving your whole life behind isnt that easy, for anyone - let alone you."

He's right, of course. Kind and considerate, not what one would traditionally expect out of a delinquent - but you appreciated it nonetheless.

"Kaito and you...how long has this been going on? Are you together? Aren't your parents rather...traditional in their ways?"

Akira sighs, nodding. "My parents are homophobic, you've got that right - but Kaito and I aren't...together. He's straight...I think. I've never had the courage to ask."

"He covered for you when you were a suspect in a murder case." You say, deadpan. "Are you kidding me?"

Akira squirms under your calculating gaze, then sighs.

"Okay, well...you got me," He says. "I'm just...scared. He's so precious to me, and i don't wanna lose him, you know?"

"He thinks the world of you, I say we pretend to get married, you hire Kaito as a secretary-slash-personal assistant of sorts, and I'll get Minami in the same way. We can say we have marital issues and sleep in different rooms. No one will question it if we appear perfect in public. Call your honeymoon with Kaito a business trip and fake your deaths, then live the rest of your life in bliss."

"That seems...unnecessarily complicated." Akira says, chuckling. "Still...I feel a bit better now."

You extend your hand to Akira with a gentle smile. "Purely political marriage?"

Akira nods with a laugh. "Purely political marriage."

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