Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


            I gaze at the screen, uneasy about playing a different character. I'm used to Scarlet's free and swift movements, her red hair and her one-of-a-kind flaming sword. I miss my own home base, with my own collected artifacts and weapons.

            Aven's movements are graceful and willowy, as if she thinks she has all the time in the world — much like Calvin, her creator. Gamers don't only praise her for her top ranking and exceptional skills, but also for her appearance. Aven can change her hair color and length but mostly she chooses either a waist-length brown or shoulder-length bright purple. She wears a tight one-piece suit with different jewels on the neckline (plunging, might I add). Over that is a sheer soft kind of robe with long sleeves and floor-length. Its blue and purple color shines in the light and when she moves, robe flows slowly behind her. Oh, and she almost always goes barefoot.

            Aven also wouldn't forget the jewelry she wears. Sometimes she'll go about wearing a silver tiara, or maybe pieces of gems laced on her hair. She always has a necklace, a sapphire in the center of it, there are bracelets on both her wrists and furry diamond-shaped earrings always hung on her earlobes.

            Her features and appearance are fashioned like that of a fairy's so on occasion, Aven is seen with glass-like glittering wings.

            It's not that I hate Aven — or jealous of her — but it's that I prefer Scarlet more. While Aven makes sure to attract more attention to herself, Scarlet has that 'don't mess with me' aura around her. Aven's absences and few friends makes her mysteriousness attractive, but Scarlet's mask and anonymity gives off the message that she doesn't like to show much of what she really is.

            And now in Liam's room, I'm playing a character that barely represents myself and quite the opposite of Scarlet. I wonder how Calvin's doing with her.

            "That last gathering..." Liam trails off, placing the plate of cupcake in front of me.

            "Hmm?" I say, eyes trained at the videogame screen. I have the controller in my hands, looking for some quest around Athens. I ignore the attention Aven's getting, like Calvin does.

            "Why did you let Scarlet win?" he asks. Liam chose not to play today, but just watch me. I didn't protest, but now I wish I did.

            As if on cue, we hear a ping! from the set. I didn't bother to plug in the headset, so we can both hear the game. The notification says that Scarlet's online. Calvin.

            "Why do you hate her, anyway? Or is it just faking like your admiration for Aven?" I ask him back, staring at the green dot.

            "I really don't like her," Liam's expression turn sour, "She's probably the only person I hate."

            I keep myself from flinching. I imagine what it's like if Liam finds out I'm really Scarlet. Aren't you judging too quickly? I want to ask him, but I don't because it'll raise suspicion.

            "We're going to take her out first in finals," Liam beams at me. I laugh nervously.

            I turn my attention back to the screen. I almost choke on my saliva when 'Scarlet' invites me to her home base for a challenge. I dread Liam's reaction.

            "Oh look," Liam notices the invitation, "come on, accept it. You can get her back." He has a smirk on his face.

            I imagine Calvin now, smiling smugly because he knows that I'm at Liam's. I make a mental note to choke Calvin later. I nervously click the accept button and Aven's transported to Scarlet's home base. Half of my mind tells me to shove the controller to Liam's hands, telling him to fight her instead.

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