who's the soulmate?

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I am guessing that everyone knows the omegaverse?if not then please leave because I will not explain that because I am really lazy.(+soulmate AU)


The others:

Present Mic=Alpha
All might=Beta

Izuku was home and was about to turn 16 tomorrow and as someone turns 16 they get to know who their soulmates are or who their soulmate is.Yeah you understood that right,you can have more than one Soulmate.

Izuku wasnt very happy about that but also not sad,he was excited but what if it's a bad person?He tried to focus on getting ready for school,where he was done he grabbed his backpack and ran to school because he was almost late.So he ran as fast he could,but he didnt use his quirk that would be a waste.

Uraraka was waiting for him in front of the gate.
Uraraka:You're almost late,Let's go!
Uraraka grabbed Izukus hand and started to run.Izuku started to run with her.They were still early but everyone was staring at them,They ignored it and saw that Tsuyu walked up to them.Tsuyu didnt look so happy she looked down.Izuku then also looked down and then relised he was still holding Urarakas hand.
Izuku:Uraraka,Our hands!
So that's why everyone was looking at them.Tsuyu was a lot more happy when they let go of their hands.
Aizawa came into the classroom and wanted to start the class.

-after class-

Izuku went to Uraraka to talk with her and Tsuyu was also there.They talked about some things and then they relised 1 thing.
Uraraka:Wait- Todoroki isnt here with us?
Tsuyu:Maybe he's doing something?
Uraraka:Does anyone know if he was in class?
Izuku:He was.
Uraraka:Are you sure?
Izuku:Yes,I saw him.
Tsuyu:And where is Iida?
Uararaka:Oh,He is with Aizawa
Tsuyu:Talking about the rules in school again?
Izuku:So a normal day in school?
Izuku:Does anyone have time in the afternoon?
Uraraka:Yeah,I do!
Tsuyu:I also do,what do you want to do?
Izuku:I dont know,maybe going to the town?
Uraraka:Of course!What do you say Tsu?
Tsuyu:Yeah,I am also coming!
Izuku:That's great!
Izuku:I'll go now guys!
Uraraka: Okay,see you!

Izuku was about to search Todoroki because usually he is always with them.He went to the classroom again to see if he is there but of course he wasnt there.Izuku then went to the gym but he wasnt there either.He went to check the dorms now but he wasnt there either.Izuku went to Aizawa to ask where he is.
Aizawa was with Iida and Aizawa said that he should be out with the bakusquad.

Izukus Pov:
The bakusquad?He never hangs out with them usually... did he ditch us?

Izuku: thank you Aizawa.

Izuku went to his dorm and started to train and study a little.It was almost afternoon now so he was getting ready to meet up with his friends.

Uraraka: He is late aigan,isnt he?
Tsuyu: I could also only hang out with you.

Uraraka started to blush a little and then went quiet.
Tsuyu started to smile a little and pulled Uraraka into a hug.

Izuku: Hey guys!
Uraraka:Oh- Uhm hey!
Tsuyu:hello Midoriya.

They looked to the side and saw the Bakusquad walking by,With Todoroki!


Izuku put his hand over Urarakas mound.

Izuku:Not so loud,I forgot to tell you.

The Bakusquad went inside now and Todoroki looked at Midoriya in that time.With a interested face.

Izuku,Uraraka and Tsuyu went to the town now,they played a lot of games and ate there too.

Where it was late they went back to UA and went to the dorms.It was already late so Izuku wanted to go to sleep but when he relised that his 16th birthday was tomorrow he couldn't sleep.
After some hours of thinking what will happen,he went to sleep.

-next morning-

Izuku woke up with a scared face,He was so scared what will happen.
He got ready for school and tried to focus.
He met Uraraka and Tsuyu on the way to the classroom.

Uraraka: Happy birthday Deku!Do you already know who your soulmate is?
Tsuyu:If you feel uncomfortable,you dont need to say it.
Izuku:no it's fine, I dont know who it is yet.
Uraraka: how sad,I really want to know.
Tsuyu:we will need to wait Ochaco.
Uraraka: anyways let's go to class!

They went to class and sat down.
A couple minutes later it started spinning.
Who will be Midoriyas Soulmate?

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