Part 11

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Izuku was still adoring the pretty room that the 2 had.Todoroki started to smile when he saw that Izuku liked the dorm,Todorki went over to Izuku suddenly and hugged him.Izuku was confused why he hugged him but he liked it.Izuku joined the hug for a short timr brfore relising Todoroki.Izuku could see a stone picture on the wall and he was wondering why.He pulled his notebook out of nowhere and started sketching something,The 3 were wondering where he got that from.Bakugou was really confused because he could swear that he saw a notebook in the classroom of them so he started asking:"How many notebooks do you have"?Izuku stopped sketching for a second and answered:"13"Katsuki stopped at that moment thinking why someone would need so many notebooks..Is one notebook not okay?Why does he need more?Izuku wanted to see Luu for a second so he went to the terrarium.

(Information about Luu)(The spider)

Luu isnt actually a spider she is a human that has the quirk to become a spider.Luu is Izukus best friend but nobody knows about Luu expect Izuku.Not even Ochaco and Tsuyu know about her.Luu is always turning into a human when they want to hang out(Izu and Luu)Luu  is staying as Izukus pet because she wants to spend time with him.Her parents dont like spiders so they kicked her out,she needed a place to stay so she had the idea to stay with Izuku.That would also mean that she could watch everything that happens in Izukus room or the place where she is.She can be poisenous if she needs to use her poisen then she does.Izuku doesnt want anyone to know about Luu because he doesnt want to loose her.Luu also didnt want to loose Izuku they have been friends for a very long time.Luu is staying with Izuku since they are children.Luu has always been Izukus pet.

For the people who dont like this.I am going to remind you that this is MY AU!I dont want to get mad over people so if you dont like it then just leave and dont tell me.

Thank you!

Izuku was looking straight into Luus eyes,trying to communicate with her.Luu shook her head and she understood that Izuku didnt have time today because he was staying at this dorm.Luu could see that she wasnt in Izukus room so she already guessed this."What are you doing midoriya"?Todoroki wondering.Izuku started smiling and turned around"Checking if Luu is alright."Bakugou got angry and Kirishima could see that.Kirishima was wondering why Bakugou  was angry but Todoroki didnt look so happy either..?Kirishima was wondering why they were so mad...Bakugou went over to Izuku with small footsteps.He looked at Izuku and put his hand up.Izuku was wondering what he was about to do.Bakugou slapped Izuku.... "You damn nerd..."Kirishima and Todoroki were in shock,Todoroki knew that Izuku was lying but slapping him?!Izuku started to relise that his body started hurting and glowing again"K-Kacchan..."He mumbled with shocked eyes.Luu in the terrarium was so angry but she didnt want to let them know their secret so she had an idea...She started to jump until the thing broke,she climbed out of the terrarium and crawled over to Izuku."Izuku,Your spider"!Kirishima worried.Bakugou stepped away from Izuku,seeing the spider.Luu climbed up to Izukus shoulder,looking into his eyes...Izuku could feel his body hurting.....he started to cry a little and then started to make sobs:"I-I-..."Izuku sobbed "I am going back to my dorm..."Todoroki didnt want Izuku to leave so he tried to make a excuse so he would stay:"What about the terrarium?And what about Ochaco and Tsuyu?..."Izuku started to fake smile again:"Ill pick the terrarium up tomorrow and ill find a way to sleep in my room..."Bakugou started to feel bad for what he did.Todoroki really didnt want him to leave so he made another excuse"And where will your spider sleep"?Izuku didnt want to answer anymore...all he wanted was to leave.He didnt want to hold back all the crying anymore...Izuku went out of the door and shut it right after that....

Heyyyyy!!!!!!!!I want to say that i never know what i will write so this is never going to be the same.I need a friend that can help me out with some things like friendships like giving tips Y'know?If you know anyone like that please tell me.I would need that right now.Like someone that i can ask everything!

Lizzie off!

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