Part 28

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The big blonde boy didn't expect that.Izuku then had enough time to run away and hurry to pick up Jayden. Izuku was running through the halls and Todoroki just stared at him while running.3 seconds later bakugou came out of the classroom and looked very confused. „That nerd just fucking kissed me."Todoroki was just as shocked as bakugou.Todoroki could still see Midoriya a little bit but in 3 seconds he was gone. The 2 looked over to the side just to see that 1 girl.Todoroki turned over to Bakugou „That's the girl that kissed Izuku"! Bakugou took a closer look and then realised that she was even wearing his uniform.The girl was coming closer and closer by every step.She looked at the 2 and wanted to walk past them but Todoroki grabbed her arm and stopped her.Luu was kinda shocked,She thought she would have to get Jayden because she didn't know that Izuku was picking him up."What do you want bakuhoe"She said with an angry voice.Bakugou didn't know her and he doesn't remember meeting her"How do you know my fucking name" Luu snatched her arm and just started walking down the halls. Todoroki didn't trust this shit,Something was going on and he had To find out.

-A couple hours later-
Izukus dorm

„HEY THATS MINE"the young one shouted
„Guys please stop shouting,Someone might hear."
And someone did.

„Hey do you hear that?"The red head with sharp teeth said
„It's coming from the nerds room".Bakugou replied
„Problary the girls are with him,let's check"!
Kiri said
„Yeah sure whatever" the blond said

They knocked on the door and waited a couple seconds.Izuku then opened the door and wasn't really surprised because he knew that they weren't trusting him that much anymore.
„H-Hey guys" He said
„Izuku,are the girls with you"? Kirishima said while looking through an empty room
„No,Why"? The small boy between the big men said
„We heard screaming and thought that they were with you" Kiri said,Looking at the broccolis lips.
„It's fine Kirishima!"
Kiri didn't stop looking at his lips,completely forgetting that bakugou was there.Katsuki took a look at Eijiro and knew exactly that he wanted to kiss him.Izuku didn't know what to do,they were all just staring at each other.Kirishima was leaning to the front a little but bakugou interrupted him by going between those 2 and Kirishima kissed bakugou instead of Midoriya. Izuku was standing behind the blond boy with confusion and started to close the door slowly.Katsuki saw that,Turned around and put his feet in between the door so it couldn't close.

„Not so fast deku"

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