Part 24

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Izuku just looked at Luu with hope and she just sighed and then went out of the dorm with Izuku.They were almost there but then they suddenly heard noises,it were voices.They walked a little faster and arrived at Izukus dorm.Izuku pulled the key out and opened the door.they put the terrarium onto the table next to the door.Luu then turned around just to see a little brown haired boy."Why is a child in our dorm..?"Izuku made a big sigh and then started to explain it to her.....

"So we get to keep a child?"Luu asked again even though she knew the answer.Izuku just nodded and then looked over at Jayden.Everything went well for the next 2 weeks,They got food and drinks for Jayden.But the day today was speacial.It was Jaydens first day at school.Everyone was awake,expect Izuku.He was still sleeping into the sun.Luu started shaking him but he still didn't wake up.

After a while of shaking Luu gave up.She stopped shaking him and slapped him instead.Izuku immedentially woke up and started to wonder:"H-huh what's going on,Is shiggy here"? Jayden chuckled and so Izuku knew that no one's here expect them.Izuku looked over to the calender which was next to his wardrobe.As he saw the date he got out of the bed and......... Fell.But he got up again and went to His wardrobe realising the other 2 laughing."I'm so sorry I overslept"Izuku said while changing into his uniform."it's fine you idiot,now get ready"Luu said while rolling her eyes.

After a couple minutes Izuku was done and they wanted to leave.Izuku went to the door and put his ear next to it just to listen if someone's out there.There was someone out there,he heard noises and voices.He knew that they can't get out of his room through the door so he got back to the other 2."Luu,Call hawks."He said while looking at her her clothes.

They called hawks and he said he'll be here in 5 mins.Izukus window was open so he could easily fly in.Izuku was more excited than Jayden even though it's his first day at school.They saw hawks getting in through the window and looking at the small boy"You excited young man"?Jayden nodded and then got taken by hawks.they went out of the window and flew down.At next hawks got Luu out.Izuku was the last one to get out.When they were all down there,they ran to Jaydens new school because they thought that they would be late.

After a short time they arrived there and all the 3 were excited.Izuku and Luu went to Jaydens new class.They brought him to his class and talked with the teacher for a short time until the teacher asked that 1 question:"So you 2 are his parents"?Izuku froze at that moment and so did Luu.Jayden smiled at the tacher and then started to talk:"The spider lady over here is my aunt but she lives with us.The pretty guy is my mom and my father is dead."That answer surprised Izuku and Luu but they agreed to it.They didnt suspect that and told Jayden to find a seat.he sat down in the back.The teacher told Izuku and Luu that they can go now and so they left.Luu stopped in front of the classroom."You know that youll be late right?"Luu said with a weird smile."I know.But that wont be a problem.I wont go to school today i will stay at my dorm." Izuku said with a proud face."You know that thats skipping right"? Luu stared at Izuku.

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