Part 5

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Izuku went back to Tsuyu and Uraraka being a little worried about Todoroki because he doesnt talk to them anymore.Tsuyu looked at Todoroki with her normal face but then she suddenly changed her face to a angry one,Todoroki wondering why.Todorki turned around to the other 2 with a confusing face.They were also very confused why Tsuyu made such a face.It was like if she knew something that they didnt.But what could she know that they dont?

They were staring at each other for a couple minutes not breaking the eye contact.They saw Izuku with the girls all the time.But Tsuyu always had a angry face when the 3 walked up to them.They were sure that there was something wrong with Tsuyu because she wouldnt act like this usually.She was always nice.But why not now?The 3 of them couldnt get a chance to talk with Izuku ever again!The girls were always with him!When the boys tried to get near Izuku then the girls walked off with him.The 3 big boys couldnt stand this at all!

Some explaining for the soulmate AU

If you have a bad relationship with your soulmate you can ask to break the bound.But if one of the soulmate says "no" then you cant break the bound.As you know you can see a thing spinning in the air.But if you had problems with seing it (like passing out or not paying attantion) then colors will appear on your body but only if you have scars if you dont have scars then you will get scars and that might hurt.It will hrt a lot.The color(the favorite color of your soulmate)will be in the scar.It will start glowing if you are near your soulmate.Every scar on your body will start to glow when youre near your soulmate.If you had a fight with your soulmate or your sad then your soulmate will feel very bad and when you are sad then he/she or they will know why.Sometimes you will get pushed by the air to your soulmate or you will get random hints.Sometimes they are more dirty than you think.If you arent near your soulmate for over 1 year you could die from it!So you should be careful with what you do.It doesnt matter how many people you are but the maximum is 5.The color on your skin will have different colors if you have 3 or 5 soulmates.If you still dont have a clue who your soulmate is then you will get letters but not paper...You will get them on a part of your body!

End of explaining!If you have questions write them down in the comments

it was a "normal" day a UA and everyone was in their dorm.Izuku was sitting on his bed srolling through his phone for some news.He got a little bored for a second but then his arm started to hurt really bad!It was hurting like it was being cut off!He could feel his scar hurting but it usually never hurts.Then he started to feel pain all around his body!But only everywhere where scars are.He pulled off his hoodie to see why it was hurting.He put the hoodie to the side on the bed and started looking at himself.He was sitting on the bed confused with red scars.of cours scars are red but Izukus scars were usually bright pink.He thought he was dreaming so he slapped himself for 1 or 2 times to see if this is real.He started to shake when his scar at the leg got the color blue.His other scars at the legs all turned into a light blue.The other scars were all red.But some had a bright red and the others a dark red.he didnt know what to do so he started to shake.The scars were glowing for a couple seconds and then stopped glowing.Izuku was in shock.he didnt know what to do!Was that a bad thing?Should he tell the others?The problem was that he couldnt wear a hoodie to hide the scars because it was summer!He crawled to the wall and pulled his legs up to the bed.he took a look over to the hoodie and grabbed it.He put on his hoodie again and went to the wadrobe to find a trouser that he could wear to cover all the scars.He found a long grey trouser that he put on and then made his way back to bed.He was so confused at the moment,he didnt know what to do he was in panic.he wanted to scream and shout but he also didnt want to do that.He had a lot of mood swings at the moment but he didnt know why.He felt really bad a the moment.He layed down on the bed and tried to relax but that was as good as impossible.He was shaking like there was no tomorrow.

(with the 3 boys)Todoroki was staying at Bakugou and Kirishimas dorm today and was about to go and change when someone or something pulled him to the door over.His face landed on the door and Todoroki was really confused and stepped back from the door but then someone or something pushed him to the door again.He tried to look over to the other 2 and Bakugou didnt look so well.Kierishima started looking at Bakugou and asked if everything was okay and Bakugou just growled:"No,The nerd is problary the problem here..."Kirishima was confused and asked with a curios face:"So he needs help?"bakugou nodded because he could feel a little bit of pain in his stomach.Todoroki who was still at the door opened the door and then walked out of the door keeping the door open for the other 2.....


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