Part 8

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Bakugous pain started to fade away as Izuku hugged him.Todoroki was really confused on what happened,he looked at midoriya for a quite long time."Midoriya,do you know why your scars have colors?.."Todoroki started asking Izuku.Izuku stopped hugging Bakugou and stared at one of his scars before answering with:"No..."Izuku started to fake smile again:"But i am sure that they will go back to normal again..."Bakugou couldnt stand Izukus fake smile,he saw it since they were children so he exactly knew that it was fake.Bakugou got really mad because of that and pulled Izuku into a hug,he whispered but so that the others could hear it:You really need to stop that..." The 2 that werestanding beside them were confused and Todoroki started to ask:"What do you mean?" Bakugou held Izuku close,facing the 2:"his fake smiling..." At those words Izuku could feel his tears rolling down his cheek.Bakugou gripped onto Izukus hair and started stroking it.Kirishima was like frozen all the time,he couldnt put all those things together that just happended.Todoroki felt bad for not being there when Izuku needed him.Deku started to stutter into Katsukis shoulders:Kacchan...." He started "You guys need to-"He pulled back because he heard a knock at the door,looking at katsukis red pretty eyes.Izuku turned his head to Todoroki and started to whisper:You all need to hide...In the bathroom is the best"! Todoroki was about to ask why but he couldnt because Izuku pushed all the 3 together into the small bathroom,running to the door.He opened the door and then relised that it was the party day with Uraraka and tsuyu today.Urarka stepped into Izukus room,Tsuyu following her.Uraraka started looking around Izukus room and after a while relised that the smell in the room wasnt the same as always but she didnt really think of it."Are you ready Midoriya"? Tsuyu asked with a very nice voice.Izuku wasnt dressed and only standing there in trousers.He relised that the colors on his skin were there(he thought they were)He looked at his body seeing normal scars.He ran back to his closet to get some clothes that are ideal for parties.After about 2 minutes he found a great hoodie.He told Uraraka and Tsu that could go forward and he will come in 1 minute.He pulled out a letter and a pen and started writing a letter.he left it on his bed and then went outside.

The 3 in the bathroom opened the door when Izuku was gone.Todoroki was wondering why he left them in the bathroom.They didnt come out because they heard voices,many voices.Todoroki was the first one who stepped out of the room and saw the letter on Izukus bed.They all were behind Todoroki because they didnt know if someone was in the room.Todoroki went over to the bed and started readng the letter.

Hey guys,I am sorry that i didnt stay but i promised Tsu and Uraraka that i would come with them ande i dont break promrises.If you want to then you can go back to your dorm  because this will take a while.I hope you guys are safe and i promrise i will explain everything when i can.


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