Part 6

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They walked out of their dorm down the hallways to Izukus room.They were a little excited because they didnt see Izuku for about 2 weeks.They all knew that Izuku wasnt happy right now,they could feel that.They walked down the halls and stopped for a second they were in front of Shinsous room.They heard really strange noises coming from there-They knew what was happening in there and tried to get over it.

-With the small bean-

Izuku was sitting on his bed in the corner.He didnt know what to do,the colors started to glow again but he didnt know why.He was starting to freak out!He thought that he is insane and that he is seeing illusions.He thought that all of this isnt even real!He thought he was sleeping and dreaming or that he is stuck in a dream.He slapped himself again and got out of the bed to go to the bathroom.He wanted to check the big scar on his back.He wanted to see if that scar also had a color.He arrived in the bathroom and started looking in the mirrow,he turned around and was really confused.His big scar didnt have one color,it had 3!Those colors were light blue,a bright red and a dark red.the smae colors that he had around his body.He turned around to see his face in the mirrow and saw that the scars were brighter than before,and they were getting brighter and brighter.Izuku didnt know why but the pain that he was feeling started to fade away.He was still a little shocked about the colors because scars usually dont have such colors.he thought that he will need to go the doctor but it was already late and he didnt want to bother his doctor.He didnt even like his doctor at all,Izuku is afraid of Doctors.He could see the scars getting even brighter than before but then a knock on the door snapped him out of his mind.he didnt had a clue who would come to his dorm at this time.He wanted to know and so he went to his door.He was about to open the door but he relised that he isnt wearing a shirt or hoodie,he went back to his bed and grabbed his hoodie that was still on the bed.He put it on and then went to his door again to check who is outside.he opened the door slowly and then saw Todoroki,Kirishima and Bakugou.He wasnt sure why they would come at this time but he didnt care about that.He thought that it was important so he started to smile and said:"Come in"!The 3 of them were looking at Izuku,knowing that there was something wrong with him.You could see that because of his eyes.The 3 of them walked in and sat down on Izukus bed.Izuku was standing in the middle of his room,staring at the 3.he didnt know why they were here and thats why he couldnt say felt like if he was a thing,Something that couldnt move,something that is just standing somewhere.The 3 looked at Izuku and then looked at each other.The red tomato hair stood up with a little sad face and asked Izuku:"Whats wrong Midobro"?Izuku felt like a table that was standing in the middle of taller tables.He didnt really listen to the sad kiri."huh"?Izuku mumbled with a confused face.Kiri could see that Midoriya was hiding a lot of tears behind those green pretty eyes.Izuku tried to snap out of his mind and started shaking his head and started to look at the red hair tall ass dude.Izuku didnt know what to do or what to say and kir could see that.The red haired boy pulled Izuku into a hug.Izukus emotions were spinning it felt like he was going to exploded!It was getting so hot in the room!Well,he thought that but it was still as cold as it was before.Kiri wanted to pull back.But Izuku didnt want to let go.Izuku was holding kiri close,as close as possible.Kiri was a little shocked.The lonely 2 on the bed were sitting there like birds.They wanted to get a hug too!Kiri wanted to look into Izukus eyes so he tried to pull Izukus head to him.Izuku didnt want to face him,He cuddled himself into Kiris chest and tried to not look at him.kiri relised that Izuku didnt want to talk.So he just smelled Izukus hair.He held Izukus head and hugged him all the time.The 2 on the bed were a little jelly...A MUCH JELLY.They looked like they would kill everybody who comes close to them.Kirishima looked over to those 2 and winked at them.They go up and joined the hug.Now Izuku was really the small table in the middle of a lot of big tables.Izuku didnt want to let go...he felt so comfortable,so warm,so safe everything was perfect right now.katsuki was looking at Izuku and chuckled.

Izuku relised that he would need to get some medicine for his brother(The crusty lip bitch).He stopped the hug in panic and looked over to the clock.The 3 were really confused why he let go.Izuku started looking for a piece of paper.After a little he found it under his bed.The 3 were looking at him with confused faces.Todoroki was looking at the piece of paper where Izuku put on a thin jacket."Sorry guys ill be right back,You can do something in that time"!Izuku said.Kirishima knew that he was in a rush and Pokeball was wondering why.(Those are over 900 words right now and i thought that i lost motivation).The 3 of them started looking around in Izukus room,it was a normal room well that was what they thought.Todoroki knew that Izuku likes to hide things in the worst places.So he sat down on the floor the other 2 looking confused at him.Katsuki started to laugh at Todoroki but it didnt matter to Todoroki, he knew what he was doing.He took a look under Izukus bed and found a lot of things like pencils,pencelcases,underwear,shirts and a lot of socks.Todoroki was wondering why there were clothes under his bed.But it didnt matter that much,Katsuki opened the wardrobe and it looked normal to him.The only thing that wasnt normal and really disgusting to katsuki was the spider in the corner.Katsuki closed the door after he saw that huge spider.They could hear the door open and it was someone who had a key to Izukus room so they thought it was Izuku.They went to the door and had really shocked eyes...It was Tomura Shigaraki...

Okay the total words are:1139

The words of the text:1072

I try to upload in once a week or more but its not easy for me right now because my phone is broken and i am writing on my computer right now.I promrise if i have my phone i will upload more but its not always easy i have exams coming up and thats really hard for me.So please be patient. Eli off!

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