Part 9

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Todoroki told the others what he was reading and they were wondering where Izuku was going.They knew that they could leave but they didnt want to,they wanted to stay in Izukus room and wait for him.Todoroki  started looking for something but the other 2 didnt know what he was looking for.Todoroki was searching for Izukus notebook everywhere.He was searching for about 10 minutes.The other 2 started to ask what he was looking for and Todoroki answered with the truth,the other 2 started to chuckle and told Todoroki that Izu problary took it with him because he always has his notebook with him.Todoroki really wanted to know whats in his notebook.Bakugou was always looking at the wadrobe because of the spider.Kiri noticed that and asked if everything was ok,Bakugou said that theres a huge spider in there.Kiri went over to the wadrobe and opened it.He was also very afraid of the spider in the corner.He stepped back,closed the wadrobe and ran to Todoroki.

Kiri:"Get that spider out of here please Todoroki"!

Todoroki turned his head to Kirishima and was wondering what he was talking about.Where is the spider?Is here a spider?Is it outside?Where is it?

Todo:"Where is it"?

Kiri:"In the wadrobe"!

Todoroki went to the wardrobe and opened it.

Todo:"Sorry i aint touching that."

He closed the wardrobe and went over to the bed,he sat down and started staring at the ceiling

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He closed the wardrobe and went over to the bed,he sat down and started staring at the ceiling.Kiri was wondering why there would be such a big spider in Izukus room,those spiders dont live here usually...?Well not free-

-2 hours later-

Todoroki and the others were still in Izukus room,waiting for him.They started to hear voices...and they were getting louder and louder.They could figure that one of the voices was Izukus voice.But there 2 other voices(Sorry if here are some mistakes,i was painting my nails while doing this)The voices were getting louder until they heard someone opening the door.Izuku,Uraraka and Tsu walked in,Uraraka drunk and Tsu too.

The 3 that were on the bed were shocked and so was Izuku,he thought that they already left because it was already late.Uraraka leaned her head onto Izus shoulder and started mumbling:"where..."She started"is...Luu"?Izuku pulled Uraraka over to the 3 boys on the bed:"Hold her for a moment."He said to Todoroki,Todoroki was holding Uraraka.Izuku walked over to the wall and pressed the light switch.It wasnt a light switch though,the wall suddenly turned and a terraium was visible.Izuku started to look for Luu in there but he couldnt find her.Izuku turned around to the 3 and started to ask:"Did you see Luu"?The 3 were confused and about to ask who that is but Tsu suddenly leaned to Urarakas shoulder.Then they started to ask:"Who is Luu"?Izuku relised that they didnt know who Luu is so he told them:"Luu is my spider"!He said with a smiling face.Bakugous brain stopped at that moment:"YOU MEAN THAT THING IN YOUR WARDROBE"?Izuku turned around to his wardrobe to look if Luu was there.He opened it and looked into the corner.He put his hands up and let Luu crawl on his hand.Izuku turned around to the others and started to walk up to Uraraka with Luu in his hands.Uraraka opened her eyes and started to shout:"LUU"!She let Luu climb on her hands and looked at her all the time.Todoroki  got closer to Kirishima because he didnt want to be near that spider.Izuku started to chuckle:"YOu afraid of spiders?" He asked Todoroki with a small smile.Todoroki looked at the spider while talking to Izuku:"No usually not,but i am afraid of big spiders."Izuku wanted to help Todoroki with his fear so he asked Uraraka to give him Luu.Uraraka gave him Luu with a sad face."Todoroki,stretch out your hands"Izuku said with a smiling and trustful face.Todoroki was shaking because the spider was right in front f him now.Todoroki stretched out his hands and let the spider crawl onto his hands.Bakugou griiped Kiris hand when the spider was on Todorokis hand.Izuku was kinda proud:"How do you feel Todoroki"?Todorki wasnt answering to that,he had a other question:"Does she bite"?Izuku started looking into Todorokis face:"Only if she doesnt like you"He smiled.Izuku took Luu back to her terraium.Uraraka and Tsu fell asleep on Izukus bed.Izuku didnt want to carry them alone so he asked the 3 for help but they were all too lazy.Kiri made a suggestion:"How about you come to our room and we leave them here"? Izuku thought about it but then refused:"I cant,i need to watch Luu." Bakugou made a sigh and started to say:"Then we will take her with us..."Izuku started to get a big smile on his face and started to say:"That would be so great"!

This took me a lot of time okay?Please dont be mad at me!My other phone is also broken now ;-;.Oh how i love it ;)But atleast i still have my laptop!If it breaks too then i am so dead...

Have a great day or night!:)

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