Part 12

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Izuku started crying when he left....As he shut the door he started crying.Luu was so mad at this moment!She turned into a human,forgetting she wasnt wearing anything.She didnt care about that and hugged Izuku.She told him that they would need to go to their dorm but Izuku started shaking his head:"Y-Y-Youre not wearing a-an-any-anything"He sobbed while pulling off his hoodie.He gave Luu his hoodie,still crying.Luu took Izukus hoodie because she didnt want Izu to be even more sad."I am not going to my dorm..."Izuku suddenly got mad and sad at the same time,Luu being confused."Then where do you want to go"?She was really confused.Izuku told her that they will go to his dom to get her some more clothes and then ask Dabi to pick them up.Luu was kinda worried about Izuku...Izuku and Luu went to Izukus dorm and Izuku gave Luu some clothes from him,trying to let Uraraka and Tsuyu sleep.After that they went out of the dorm again.Luu was very shocked because she saw Todoroki at the end of the hall.Todoroki was looking at those 2 and was about to walk to them."Izuku,i am going to kiss you now but i will only act,please act with me..."She whispered into Izukus ear. Izuku then saw Todoroki too so he pulled Luu over too him real quick and kissed her.They were acting perfect!It seemed real.Todoroki stopped at that moment.He started walking backwards for a few seconds and then turned around.He was running straight to  Bakugou and Kirishimas dorm.Luu and Izuku stopped the kiss.The both of them didnt enjoy the kiss at all but at least Todoroki was gone.Izuku started calling Dabi....

-With tdbkkr-

Kiri and Bakugou were sitting on the bed,Kiri stroking Bakugous back.Todoroki was about to walk to Izukus room to help him.The 2 of them were still sitting on the bed but as Todoroki opened the door while running they were in shock."Izuku kissed a girl"He told the others with a shaking voice.Bakugou was like frozen.He didnt belive that at all but Icy Hot wouldnt lie about such things.Bakugou stood up and went to the door.The other 2 were wondering why he was going there.Bakugou just couldnt think that the nerd has a girlfriend or something like that.he opened the door and saw Izuku with a girl.He didnt belive himself for a few seconds but then relised that this isnt a dream.He got back in the room and started to shake.He went over to Todoroki and gave him a hug.Todoroki kissed bakugou soft,trying to calm him down.

-With Dkl-

"Maybe we should talk to them"?Izuku said with a crying voice.Luu looked at Izuku with a unknown face.She nodded but made a excuse:"I wont talk to them,you do that.If they figure out who i am then we are both dead."Izuku knew that.But he didnt want to go alone.But he had no chance,he went to the dorm.Luu turned into a spider again and was on Izukus shoulder.Izuku wanted to know why Bakugou slapped him.Izuku was sure that katsuki had a reason for that so he went to their dorm....

Heyyyy,this was really breaking my mind and fingers even though its not as much as before.I am sorry i cant really concentrate because of 2 persons i care about.I wont post that often i think but ill try to post atleast once a week!

Liz off!

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